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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tregg the Destroyer

  • Knockback
  • Whirlwind
  • Leap
These abilities are very standard issue, just remember to be aware of your position in relation to the boss' so you don't get punted off the bridge. When he leaps you want to make sure you run away immediately just incase he starts "Whirlwind Slash". If you have participated in this encounter on normal mode you'll know it does a good deal of damage and it does a good deal MORE damage in the HM encounter. Whirlwind Slash is NOT interuptable so be sure to bring your runnin' shoes!

UPDATE: Bheez put together a video guide to accompany these walls of text, enjoy!

Also, in patch 1.1 they delayed Tregg's use of Whirlwind Slash after Leap to give you more time to GTFO tha wey! Actual wording was less colorful, see here:

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