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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Broke? Homeless? Destitute?

Well let's review your spending habits: Twi'lek hookers, portable helium canisters, SWtoR subscription, T-Pain mic...

Hmmmm. It looks like that T-Pain mic just pushed you over your budget, how irresponsible of you (especially since you didn't get me one, jerk). Well you're beyond my help... Kidding! You're just my type, too desperate to say no. But I digress.

You can be well on your way to becoming wealthy by following these three simple steps:

1. Cut a hole in a box
2. Put your junk in that box-- OH SORRY, wrong 3 step plan.


1. Watch this video on how to acquire a pink power crystal:

2. Sell said pink crystal on the trade market (easily done for upwards of 50k credits).
3. Swear your undying loyalty to me, The Dread Pirate of the Outter-Rim, Eternal Sovereign, Illustrious Master Slicer, Evil Overlord Glynnia, (LORD GLYNNIA for short). Upon which I will require you to abandon all earthly possessions to my care, effectively entering you into a Master/Slave relationship. Don't worry, you'll be quite comfortable in my cargo hold with my Liztard until I have need of you.

And if you've successfully followed my easy three step plan you should now be wealthy with the knowledge that you are one of the elite few to receive a backhand from yours truly.

xo Glynnia

[SRS FOOTNOTE: You can sell these crystals for a good amount of credits. They are unique, but they sell quickly. Most of the steps can be done solo and the final step to forming the crystal can be done easily in a 4 man group. I suggest you be level 48+ to complete this chain. So really, now you have no excuse to not have your final level of speeder bike training, slacker!]


  1. Well no wonder I'm poor! I still got dat stupid thing in my inventory! *SELLING!*

  2. Three Step Program is too long, can I just put you on follow - OH NEVERMIND, THE FOLLOW COMMAND DOESN'T WORK. THANKS FOR MAKING ME SWEAT FOR THINGS, BIOWARE. /unsubsandcrashesintothesun(likeabaus)
