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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Prototypes A-14 & B-16 (mini-boss)

  • Simulation Mode
Yes, ok, I will admit when we first stumbled upon these giant droids we were a bit intimated, but fear not! They are really just giant hairless Wookies looking for a hug... yeah, I'm sorry but I wouldn't believe that either. The are, however, easy to dismantle! 

Basically it's a tank and spank. From what we saw the only noteworthy ability is Simulation Mode, this is when one of the droids will become immune to all damage and stand still. During this time the droid will have a ranged attack that will hit random party members for substantial chucks of HP, usually about 1.5k. Simulation Mode is easily identifiable by the large blue circle under the droid's feet.

The tank should pick up the droid that is "active"- meaning the one that doesn't have the large blue circle under it. DPS should hit this one really hard. Alternate as they go active and inactive. Force bubbles are extra useful in this fight, use'em if you got'em. 

Pro tip: Standing in the blue circle will reduce group damage (no range attack victims if they are standing inside), have the tank position the active droid accordingly.

UPDATE: Bheez put together a video guide to accompany these walls of text, enjoy!

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