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Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday Freebie

It's Friday, yeees!

So I sometimes catch myself away from the computer, you know those odd moments where you have to leave the house for essential life sustaining items (aka a McFlurry run). Or maybe waiting between class or heck even IN class, or at work... workin' hard. You get the idea. Sometimes I need to satisfy my gaming urges while I'm other places than in front of my comp and if you have a smartphone (liberally applied term- 1st gen Nexus boo) and you have access to the Anroid Marketplace then you're in luck.

A Knights Dawn is a medieval fantasy turret defense type game. It has a good story, unlockable perks and four difficultly levels, upgradeable units and the graphics are great! The best part is that it's free! And it's not one of those "free" games that if you want extra neat stuff you have to buy points with your real money- I mean it has the option but everything in the game is obtainable through the game play as well so that's a plus.

^ I know it's totally badass, right??
Download here: A Knights Dawn

xo Glynnia

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