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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The big baddie- Darth Malgus

  • Push back
  • Leap
  • Smash
  • Doubt
  • Empowered Choke
  • Vengeful Strikes
  • Unlimited Power
  • Force Lightning
This fight is all about positioning. If your group can master where they should be at the right times then your success will come much more easily. 

Have your tank move Malgus to the lower end of the stairwell that is directly behind Malgus when you first engage him. The tank's back should be to this wall. The rest of the group should have their backs to the wall opposite. The reason for this is to avoid being thrown over the side of the space station (it's really quite embarrassing) by his Push back ability. Push backs should not be mistaken for Knock backs- I did not have my casts interrupted by this ability so that's a plus. 

Malgus will randomly Leap to a player, apparently his ugly face strikes fear into your heart and you subsequently shed some HP (try closing your eyes next time!). He is also going to use Smash, which is an AoE ability that does a good amount of damage (upwards of 2k each time), so if you don't need to be in melee range of him consider yourself lucky. 

A random player will be afflicted by Doubt, there will be an emote to indicate who the lucky one is. This person will sit in a stun for what seems like an obscene amount of time. It is important for this person to be healed up quickly and shielded if available before Malgus uses his Empowered Choke which will render everybody but the person afflicted with Doubt useless and airborne- whee! Malgus does next to no damage during this time.

While most of the group is being choked the person with Doubt will have to face Malgus one on one, he will swing his lightsaber at you in addition to using Vengeful Strikes twice. We found there are two ways to handle this. The first being to tank it with the use of interrupts and/or defensive abilities which works pretty well unless your gear was made out of left over gift wrapping and scotch tape (/eyesKitty). If that isn't working out too well you can simply kite him, we pathed him up the stairs and around the base of his throne and then led him back to the tank. By the time this circuit was complete the Empowered Choke was over and everybody could move back into their positions. Treat kiting him like you would towing a trailer- if you make too sudden a turn he could fishtail or flip and get stuck and then everybody would be pissed at you when he resets. :D

Once Malgus hits about 40% you will need to watch out for an ability he uses called Unlimited Power, it is a 3 second cast. He can, and most likely will, use this immediately following the end of the Empowered Choke/Vengeful Strikes phase. Be ready to interrupt this, failure to do so will result in the death of your group via massive AoE damage. He will do this again around 20%.

Now for the fun part.

Malgus will start channeling Lightning around 9% and become immune to damage, however, while he is doing this he will be vulnerable to knock backs and grip abilities. Have the tank start to move him toward side of the bridge at around 15% hp. Everybody needs to be mindful of their positioning because he will continue to use his Push back ability while he is being re-positioned. You should make use of the bridge's architecture to reduce the risk of being thrown off.

You must time at least two knock backs to go off (with Malgus facing the appropriate direction of course)  either at the same time or within a second of each other in order to successfully knock Malgus off. And even then your results might not be typical. We executed this perfectly on one attempt only to have him fly back up and wipe us with more lightning. So don't be discouraged if you experience something similar, there are still a bunch of bugs to be worked out. Now we haven't tested this, but in theory you could also use a pull to ability while teetering on the ledge and then follow up with a knock back. You could also try knocking him back and then having your tank suicide jump and use a pull to ability while falling (that would be so epic). We have NOT tried these methods, but feel free to have some fun with it!

It's important to note that if he is in-between lightning channels he will be immune to knock backs and pulls again so you MUST time these abilities to happen at the same time and while he is channeling. If you don't manage to knock him off by the second channel you are most likely dead- the damage at the end of the fight is not meant to be healed through. You can buy yourself some time by using defensive abilities such as the Smuggler's AoE damage reduction shield.

There is no TLDR version- I am picking the dark side option to make you suffer! Happy trails~!

xo Glynnia

UPDATE: Bheez put together a video guide to accompany these walls of text, enjoy!

They also made this fight a tad bit easier in patch 1.1 see the parts that apply in this post:

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