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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

And so it begins...

So last night we decided to run our very first hard mode flashpoint. Sel has got an unhealthy fixation with Darth Malgus so we thought we would humor her and try our luck in The False Emperor located on Ilum.

The deets-
Sel had been fifty for a week before Bheez, Kitty, and myself caught up. You would think she would have spent this time gearing up, but noooo. She spent this time moonlighting on a RP server. Turns out Bheez and I were the most geared of our group with 4 entry level epics between the two of us, a few greens and mostly blues ranging from level 35 to 50. Sel was the next best geared with mostly blues and a few greens of varying levels. And then there was Kitty... poor, poor Kitty. She was MISSING GEAR and had mostly greens! (Rumor has it she vendored her valuables to lavish fancy gifts on her companion.)

We had been doing flashpoints together while leveling and had been excited at the idea of doing the level 50 FPs once we all hit level cap. To be honest, the normal mode FPs are pretty easy, even if you have a DPS that is missing gear!

The main difference between normal mode and hard mode FPs is that you really need to utilize CC for most trash pulls, which really isn't a big deal. You could probably get away with doing less of it if your gear was better as well.

Currently there is little to no information available on boss strats for SWtoR. This is where we ran into the most trouble. The stuff we did find seemed to either be in really bad Engrish or coming from the perspective of a group of superiorly geared players- and conveniently missing key mechanics.

It was with this realization that we knew there was a niche to fill and Welfare Gamers was born. No, we don't have super-duper computers (cause we sometimes have to pay bills and eat things other than ramen), and no we don't have a crazy high end guild to carry us through content, but that is a nice thought... And no, we don't have tremendous amounts of skill, although Bheezem would not appreciate me speaking for him. All we have is each other. And these brownies- that are made with love. :)

In the posts to come we will be covering the boss strats that we have used along with visuals so you can see just what we're workin' with. We hope this info serves you and your group well so that you don't have to go for broke like we did. And if you're curious, info related to our setups are located in the Getting to Know Us section.

To sum it up (the TLDR version)-
Average group gear level: Borderline deficient
Bosses down: All but one, the optional one at that
Time spent: Too damn long
Cost: We were so broke by the time we finished this FP that we had to carpool back to the Repubic Fleet

xo Glynnia

PS- Yes, my graphics settings are on low!


  1. Please send credit donations to Keeta@Portnowhere.swtor

  2. Seriously, this is the last time Lieutenant Iresso photo-bombs us before he's ejected into space with C2-N2.
