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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Companion Choices (spoiler alert)

Ok girls, I'm gonna be blunt. If you're thinking you want to romance Corso, take his name, give him everything the universe has to offer (even tho he has you and that should be enough!), think again! Oh sure, it all seems nice and romantic, but once you say "I Do", he dont! Well, he does, but after the vows, that your friends don't even get to see, unless you hire yourself as your photographer and SS EVERYTHING (yes I did, shad up!), he'll send you a few mails here and there in the first week and that is it! So ladies, the next time you go to your ship and Corso wants to make out, you tell him to go make out with Risha (that way, they get married and you get rid of no good jerk face Corso and dat crazy batch Risha! 2 birds 1 stone). Just remember ladies, we're smugglers, we can always go to another planet and smuggle a hawtie!

Take a tip from Amy Whinehouse. Just say "no, no, no"!

~Keeta <3


  1. Any pro-tips for non-Smugglers? Doc said after I kill The Emperor we'd go on a long vacation(HONEYMOON).

    The Emperor's been dead for a month.


  2. Hey, mom told you Doc was no good! Runnin' off with that skanky hologram-oh wait -_-

  3. Insert publisher's edit here...
    Not just Corso ladies, ALL da lazy slacker men! Boy do they have some ass kissin to do!
