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Friday, January 20, 2012

Kaon Under Siege (hard mode) guide

This is our footage from hard mode kaon under siege, minus the bonus boss on hard mode. (We got owned miserably due to lack of gear)

Boss fights
The Gauntlet- 0:00-1:53
Have 1 dps mount the turret while the rest gather around it and defend it(this also makes it easier for aoe heals and tanks to grab aggro)

Kill the infected mercanaries first, otherwise their constrict will cost you dearly when they add up over time, the infected screamers are also a pain in the ass with the knock back. Bloaters are meh, but you still have to kill them, and when you do if you don't do it right you'll pay for it.

Take bloaters away from the group so that when they start to blow up at around 20% they don't hit your group with their devastating dot and damage, DO NOT HIT THEM WITH THE TURRET AS THE TURRET WILL KILL THEM BEFORE THEY GET A CHANCE TO BE MOVED

rinse and repeat, thats about it for this fight

Rakghoul Behemoth- 1:54-3:31
He spawns up on the platform, melee tanks be careful when approaching. He pretty much back hands you down the steps if you dont use some kind of range pull

Kite him around the park in a square motion, passing him by the explosive barrels and blowing them up when he gets close. (We had a designated barrel blower kerploder) Repeat this by kitting him around until he's dead.

WARNING: It is very hard as a melee tank to keep aggro on him without getting hit by him, its ok to get smacked around a bit, but while he is frenzied it's best not to tempt fate, save any high threat ranged attacks you have for his frenzy phases.

Super Soldiers- 3:32-5:14
The video says it all, there is 3 soldiers, the only one who has an aggro table is the trooper, the other two will randomly switch focus attacks to different players, with the juggernaut having no special abilities minus enrage and the big guy having an enrage, and a channeled stun.
Kill the big guy first, and prepare for adds around the time he dies, (it is better to have the tank kite the adds then to straight up tank them). Kill the adds and kill the second mini boss. The main guy is interruptable and tauntable, its a simple tank and spank

Bonus Boss- 5:15-8:00
easy fight on normal, not so much on hard mode(VERY healing intensive)
You don't have to, but we pulled him back to the pillar so we could kill the adds and line of sight the boss at the same time, the only things to remember for this boss are to run out of GRAPPLE and to kill the adds when they spawn.