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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Yeah that was an uninspired post title. Good to see that even if the years change there are still some things that never will. Eh, as I like to say; we're nothing if not consistent!

Team Vashj (AKA- da Cuddwy Kwoo) has put together a "Memorable Games Mentions of 2012" Q & A to help ring in the new year and give us a purpose to carry on.

You gotta click the "read more" if you want to do just that... but that's a decision you should weigh carefully.

/takes the podium and clears throat

AHEM. Yes well, thank you all for showing up. Oh, who am I kidding? I can't get rid of you. /eyes Shirley
I have prepared a series of questions that may be of interest to... to um... well to my mom who trolls this site. And probably to ourselves since we use this site to communicate cause we're afraid of Facebook. So without further delay, let's pick some brains, shall we?

Question One: Of the MMOs you played in 2012, which was your favorite and why?

Bheezem: Guild Wars 2, it stepped up my expectations for MMORPG combat with its dodge, downed, and finisher mechanics. Along with the combo fields, it gave me something that I couldn't stop thinking of when I played other MMOs.
Glynnia: This is easy, Guild Wars 2. Because it is the next level of dynamic game play for MMORPGs and there is no monthly cost which means I get to eat off the McDonald's value menu twice as much!
Kitty: Even as short lived as it was, I would have to say SWTOR. Simply because of all the fun we had making the "helpful" boss videos, all the RP, the many deaths, and of course the short lived love affair of Corso and I.
Shirley: SWtoR (2011 but it was Dec 20th IT COUNTS) due to Team Vashj getting together to make shoddy guides on how to play. OH THE IRONY. 

Question Two: Of the console games you played in 2012, which was your favorite and why?

Bheezem: Halo 4 was the best console game I played in 2012, just because I was curious as to how they would bring back Master Chief from the dead, not just in canon story line, but IN MY MIND. HE WAS DEAD. But all in all the game was good and continued to build on what it used to be.
Glynnia: I got back into playing my Nintendo DS late in the year and picked up Final Fantasy Tactics Advance- it is so easy to dump a TON of time into and it brings back the nostalgia of playing FFT on the PS back in the day.
Kitty: Well if android phone apps count, lol, I'd pick Robinson. You pretty much get stuck on an island that you turn into your own little world with animals and plants and trees to take care of everyday. There's a never ending list of quests and even more added during holidays so if you need to waste some time, it definitely helps you do that!
Shirley: Contra for Nintendo because yelling mid-jump, "I KEEP GETTING MY DUDE MIXED UP WITH YOURS" as I spray my gun wildly never gets old. 

Question Three: Who was your favorite (or least favorite) character in any game you played in 2012 and why?

Bheezem: I ALREADY SAID TYBALT LEFT PAW IN ONE OF THE OTHER INTERVIEWS. I guess if I had to pick somebody else Parthurnaxx would be a close runner up, in Skyrim you spend your entire time hunting dragons, but he's the only one badass enough to be your mentor. Besides, he stands by you in a fight with the big baddie himself.
Glynnia: I'm going to have to say my ranger's main furry, Sven, holds a special place in my heart. He's so big and cuddwy and he is so charismatic that people just flock to him. Bheez doesn't like him cause he steals every scene he's in and he runs off on "seek and destroy" missions fueled by sugar withdrawl but I think Bheez is just jealous that Sven's star is shining brighter than his! The only thing that could take Sven to the next level is if I could outfit him with a backpack. Everything is better with a backpack.
Kitty: I'm gonna have to go with the Pandaren from Mist of Pandaria in World of Warcraft. Have you seen those guys?! Their freakin adorable!!
Shirley: Malgus from SWtoR. As a character he had more depth than the typical emo Sith and had an unexpected back story... that was like reading a steamy 99 cent romance novel. >8^{D

Question Four: What game, or event within a current game, are you looking forward to playing in 2013?

Bheezem: I'm looking forward to a game called: The Repopulation, a sandbox survival game.
Glynnia: I've heard that the Elder Scrolls Online is going to be released in 2013... I am looking forward to it with cautious optimism!
Kitty: I'm looking forward to many fun and new adventures with Team Vashj in GW2. I'm not sure about any new games in 2013 but whatever we play I know we're gonna have a good time doing it!
Shirley: WoW finally dropping its monthly fee. HAHA.

Question Five: What is your "New Year's Gamer Resolution"? 

Bheezem: To beat Glynnia's Whale Trail score, and to HONE MY PVP PROWESS.
Glynnia: I resolve to download twice as many free apps on my phone this year than I did the last and attempt to review half as many as I play :D
Kitty: I think it's high time I push myself to learn how to play instead of button smash!
Shirley: Click faster, keyboard turn harder. Oh wait.

Well that sure was eye opening. Yeah, not really. If you made it this far I hope you were in some way, shape, or form entertained. Now get back to the important things you were doing, like watching that New Year's parade on repeat.

Best wishes and chocolate filled dreams...
~Team Vashj


  1. My star will never be outshined by that useless furball sven. N-E-V-E-R

    1. That's Sven to you, he's a proper noun tyvm.

  2. Well ladies, it looks like we gots our priorities in order for the new year! Happy 2013!!

    (P.S.) If I had to choose between following Sven or Bheez into battle, I'd follow Sven.

    1. Sven would lead us right to the junk food! Which is exactly where we want to be. Bheez on the other had... would probably lead us to certain death.

    2. I say it's his fault we died so much the other night. "Hey guys, you need to follow me....right up this hill into a whole group of enemies. Oh, you're dying? Well, that happens." -_- lol Should have followed Sven to the candy cane!!!!

  3. LOL I was almost 100% sure everyone was going to choose GW2 for Question One but I'm happily surprised Kitty and I are on the same page! LET'S GO FIND AND BEAT DOWN THAT NO-GOOD CORSO AND TAKE HIS CREDS AND BUY SOMETHING NOT OFF THE DOLLAR MENU. SPLURGE!

    Happy New Year ladies!

  4. Is WoW really dropping it's montly fee? The "HAHA" at the end of your answer makes me believe otherwise... :( I like free stuff.
