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Sunday, January 6, 2013

One Last Hurrah!

January 6th marks the official end of the holiday season for humankind all over the globe. So I say let's celebrate it with one last hurrah! Yeah, any excuse to throw a party and get drunk- I'M COMPLETELY IN CONTROL.

Click below to watch Team Vashj's Snowball Mayhem Highlights!

Bonus "fun": Video Scavenger Hunt! This involves counting so those lacking in basic arithmetic will have to play the alternate bonus "fun" game* instead.

To play you will need to count the number of times:
-The ladies of Team Vashj kill Bheez
-Bheez kills us ladies
-Shirley appears hiding in the background of the shot
-Kitty runs for her life from a giant snowball
Answer in the comments, cause hell if I know!

*Alternate bonus "fun" game: take a shot every time I die! And don't you dare drunk dial me.
xoxo ~glynnia


  1. LOL Epic! Vid Hunt Tally:

    1: 40 times
    2: Maybe 3
    3: I was building snow wall forts all day long so the entire 30 mins of this vid
    4: Once :(


    1. A lovely cheese pizza (provided by Bheez) that you have to share with me!
