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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Team Vashj tries their luck in the Fractals of the Mists

You know, sometimes I have good ideas. I'm not saying this is one of them. I'm just saying... sometimes I have them.

So now that we got that out of the way let's discuss this particular idea. Team Vashj (aka: da Cuddwy Kwoo) decided the time was right to jump into some of the "end game" offerings in Guild Wars 2. Why not? We're all level capped and Kitty's internet connection drama seems to have worked itself out... What sort of end game offerings you may ask? Well the sort that usually requires a full group of five people that have some understanding of their class abilities and what to expect in scripted combat.
 We have four part-time clueless, but full-time full-throttle players that wanna see this "end game" shat anyway.
Click the link for a recap of our hijinks! Don't worry, I edited it down to 10 minutes from the original 45. Yeah it took us that long. Can't say we don't have persistence (as evidenced by us making it to our one year anniversary)!

All in all I think we made out alright. Turns out the Fractals of the Mists is a dungeon full of "mini-dungeons" and a successful run is comprised of completing three consecutive mini-dungeons for amazing rewards...Well not amazing, but you get some tokens n crap that you can exchange in large amounts for some pretty nice gear upgrades. We managed to complete three of these runs which increase in difficultly as you go, apparently to infinite levels, and you supposedly reap better rewards if you are able to pass them.

I guess we shall test this theory as we progress in the frackin' fractals!

xoxo ~glynnia


  1. ROFL Jesus, we can't be that bad...

    ...can we?



    10/10 entertainment value on the audio. I like how you spliced all the 'intelligent' tid-bits together rofl.

    1. Yeah, that's why it was less than 10 minutes 'cause out of an hour of work we only had that much "intelligent" talk. =(

