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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

When Games Go Downhill

Blizzard's newest World of Warcraft expansion, "Mists of Pandaria", goes live today and it only seemed appropriate to include this news under the post title's label since this blog wasn't around for the launch of Cataclysm.  Not saying Wrath was a fantastic xpac, but it sure looks that way in comparison.

Behold; Pandas... and mists!

Oh who am I fooling? I'm sure I'm gonna end up playing this at some point. 

xoxo ~glynnia

1 comment:

  1. Never felt so bored and disengaged watching a trailer in my life.

    Makes you want to re-watch SWTOR's trailers to cleanse yourself.

    ...with dosage of Malgus. >8^{D
