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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Feliz Cumpleaños!

It's the one time of year at the Zoobuck's household (that's Bheezem's bachlor pad for those of you not "in the know") that all the minions get to eat, drink, and be merry while going about their usual task of inflating Bheez' ego to frighteningly large proportions*. The rest of the year they don't get to eat, drink, or be merry while doing so.

What is this momentous occasion you might ask? Why, you should know lest you have the sense beat into you by the Warlock himself!

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, IT IS YOUR SPECIAL DAY! Aaaaaaaand I don't know the rest. But I bet I know a group of furries that might!

Happy Birthday from your most loyal companions. 
Oh, and also from Team Vashj!

*Fun Fact: Humans are about 70% water whereas Bheez is actually 70% ego.


  1. I think that fits here, but seriously. Thank you! (p.s dont ever put something else on the same line that has the same percentage as my ego, my ego does not like being compared)

    1. Is sorry, I deserve a beating for my insolence :(

  2. Hand-colored masterpieces for you to cherish forever. HAPI BEE-DAE!

    P.S. - The pink pwny is obviously from Robot Unicorn Dash and was colored by our madre.

  3. I'm late, but what else is new?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEWPEW!
