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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Wild Pandaria: Whispering Pandaren Spirit

It used to be popular (and maybe it still is) to "carry" a lower level pet through these high-end trainer battles to get some big XP upon success, obviously assuming your low level pet didn't get KO'd during the encounter. I've tried that strat on most of the trainer battles in Pandaria, and in my opinion it isn't an effective way to level a pet if you're going for speed. 

With the exception of this particular trainer!

With this lineup you could easily and effectively carry another pet of your choice. My suggestion is to stick to carrying pets that are level 22 or above as most of their HP pools will be high enough to soak up a hit or two.

My Lineup:
Emerald Proto-Whelp using Breath, Ancient Blessing, Emerald Dream
Infinite Whelpling using Tail Sweep, Healing Flame, Darkflame 
Eternal Strider using Water Jet, Cleansing Rain, Pump

The Whispering Pandaren Spirit trainer will open with a critter (Dusty), then use a dragonkin (Whispertail), and save his doppelganger for last, which is of course an elemental.

If you are going to carry a pet during this battle then replace the Infinite Whelpling with your choice and open the fight with it (meaning it needs to be in the first pet slot). So your lineup would be: Carry Pet, Emerald Proto-Whelp, and Eternal Strider, in that order.

My Strat:
  1. If you are going to carry a pet here open with that pet, use 1 ability then swap to the Emerald Proto-Whelp
  2. Use Breath (first slot ability) each round until your HP dips between 700 or 800, then use Ancient Blessing (second slot)
  3. If you still have to recover 400 or more HP after Ancient Blessing use Emerald Dream (third slot)- otherwise continue using Breath
  4. Follow the instructions for steps 2 - 3 for the entirety of this encounter, this pet should be able to defeat all 3 of your opponent's pets
  5. If you're impatient (like me), swap to the Eternal Strider when the elemental pet becomes active, spam Water Jet (first slot) until you are the victor!

Pet Acquisition: 
  • Emerald Proto-Whelps (levels 21 - 22) can be found in the Savage Thicket in the northern part of Sholazar Basin in Northrend.
  • If you're interested in the Infinite Whelpling they can be found in and around the Caverns of Time in Tanaris on Kalimdor. They are around levels 13 - 14.
  • Eternal Strider (levels 24 - 25) can be found in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms in Pandaria check the areas with rivers and lakes. 

Pet Alternatives:
  • The Emerald Proto-Whelp cannot be replaced when using this strat. Using this pet pretty much IS the strat due to its ability to heal so massively and regularly. There are pets with these abilities but none with this exact setup. Go get you one!
  • The Infinite Whelpling slot can be used to carry any pet you choose if you'd like to get a little extra pet XP while completing this battle, therefore I have no specific pet alternative suggestions for this one. 
  • The Eternal Strider can be replaced by any aquatic pet really, the key to its success is that its type is a strong counter to an elemental pet. Here is a list of aquatic pets with the Water Jet ability which is what I prefer to use. 

Related Posts:

xoxo ~glynnia


  1. I don't know if I trust your line-up seeing how in the screenie you took of your pet battle line-up it looks like your Infinite Whelping took a dirt nap... infinitely.

    I'm still working on leveling pets to concur the Thunder from Downunder Spirit. I wanted to mention with the roach you don't need to use the Survival ability to avoid Apocalypse damage because all roaches and beetles are immune to it, so save that ability for an oh shat moment or swap the slot out.

    Gotta, gotta, gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all... Digimon!

    1. *conquer... rofl concur, PHONETICS FTW.

      FML it too early.

    2. I only say to use Survival on the last round because you got nothing better to do and it's good insurance against those nasty RNG crits! You don't need it to survive Apocalypse as you said, that's the beauty of a roach pet!
