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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wild Pandaria: Burning Pandaren Spirit

A few things I kept in mind when selecting and testing my lineups were; availability, pet level, replay value, and their likelihood to succeed. My lineups aren't necessarily for the people that truly LOVE pet battling, you know the ones that are methodically working through their pet journal and replacing all their lesser quality pets with rares- then leveling them to 25 (totally not me), although they would surely find success with these comps. This mini-series was to target and help people that are a little more casual about the whole experience. 'Cause, really, I think everybody deserves a shot at some cool pet skins! Never let it be said that I am not an equal opportunity collecting enthusiast. 

Now that we've got that out of the way, on to the fight!

This is my most mindless strategy yet! I am quite proud of it. Only problem is that your success hinges on whether or not this guy's dragonkin pet crits you with its Lift-Off ability and/or if you crit it at all. So if you find yourself victim to some unlucky RNG you may have to repeat this battle (like I did three times today). It happens to the best of 'em!

My Lineup:
Kun-Lai Runt using Takedown, Frost Shock, Deep Freeze
Arcane Eye using Focused Beams, Eyeblast, Mana Surge
Eternal Strider using Water Jet, Cleansing Rain, Pump

The Burning Pandaren Spirit trainer will open with a dragonkin pet- see the note at the top of the page break- (Crimson), then use his clone elemental, and finally his flying type pet (Glowy).

My Strat:
  1. Open with Kun-Lai Runt
  2. Use Takedown (first slot ability) until you die or Crimson dies
  3. Switch to the Eternal Strider once your Kun-Lai Runt is down
  4. Cast Cleansing Rain (second slot ability)
  5. Cast Water Jet (first slot) until your pet or the elemental is dead
  6. Bring out your last pet, the Arcane Eye
  7. Use Focused Beams (first slot ability) until you are the last man standing

Pet Acquisition:
  • The Kun-Lai Runt (levels 23 - 25) can be found in the snowy mountain ranges just south of the Shadow Pan Monastary in Kun-Lai Summit in Pandaria. This is also a good time to pick up an Alpine Foxling as they are found around the same area.
  • Arcane Eyes (levels 17 - 18) can be found in Deadwind Pass just outside of Karazhan in the Eastern Kingdoms. 
  • Eternal Striders (levels 24 - 25) can be found in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms in Pandaria, check the areas with rivers and lakes. 

Pet Alternatives:
  • Kun-Lai Runts are pretty cool pets, but if ginger yetis aren't your thing I can understand. You might enjoy using other humaniod pets against the Burning Pandaren Spirit's dragonkin, such as these. If you're looking for something more reliable though I would strongly suggest picking up a Flayer Youngling (use Blitz, Deflection, and Kick- save Deflection to counter Lift-Off).  They are harder to capture because they spawn in a small amount in a specific place but if you're going to do this battle as a daily I think it's worth the extra effort. Note that the Kun-Lai Runt is the easiest to acquire and the highest level wild pet of the alternatives- plus you can snag an Alpine Foxling while you're in the area to use against the Thundering and Flowing Pandaren Spirits! 
  • The Arcane Eye is not a must have for this lineup, there are plenty of other magic type pets that can replace it. However, you might want to make the trip for this one because it is a great place for power leveling low level pet teams due to the Arcane Eye flying solo with no tag-alongs (they apparently don't play well with others). Good, higher level, replacements for this pet are: Nordrassil Wisp or Oily Slimeling.
  • The Eternal Strider can be replaced by any aquatic pet really, the key to its success is that its type is a strong counter to an elemental pet. Here is a list of aquatic pets with the Water Jet ability which is what I prefer to use. 

Related Posts:

xoxo ~glynnia


  1. Amazingly I beat this Spirit on the first go, whereas the Thundering one took [insert embarrassingly large number here]. I don't even recall the pet line-up I used, that's how riviating it was. But now I'm tempted to get one them Flayer Younglings!

    And yes, this mini-series is definitely Welfare Gamers material - just barely makin' it by, one mediocre win at a time.
