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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Wild Pandaria: Thundering Pandaren Spirit

I've heard from various sources around the internet that this battle seems to be the most difficult of the four you need to complete the Pandaren Spirit Tamer quest. 

Personally, I haven't found that to be true and here's why:
You just can't kill a cockroach! Yep, I credit my consistent victories against this guy to those pesky...pests.

My Lineup:
Death's Head Cockroach using Flank, Survival, Apocalypse
Alpine Foxling using Bite, Howl, Leap
Eternal Strider using Water Jet, Cleasing Rain, Pump

The Thundering Pandaren Spirit trainer will open with his mini-me elemental then move onto using a critter (Sludgy) and finish the fight with a beast pet (Darnak the Tunneler). 

My Strat:
  1. Open with Death's Head Cockroach
  2. Use Apocalypse
  3. Use Flank (any ability is fine for this round- the purpose is to stay in the fight to soak up the elemental's first two rounds of stun abilities)
  4. Swap to the Eternal Strider- use Water Jet (first slot ability) until this pet dies, it should last long enough to finish the elemental but if you're the unlucky victim of crits it may not- that's ok just keep going as listed
  5. Bring out the Alpine Foxling
  6. If the Thundering Pandaren Spirit elemental is not dead use either Leap (third slot) or Bite (first slot) to finish it off. 
  7. Once on Sludgy open with Howl (second slot)
  8. Use Leap (third slot)
  9. Use Bite (first slot), continue using until Sludgy is defeated- keep the fox in play until the final pet match up against Darnak the Tunneler- the objective is not to damage Darnak but to wait out your last few rounds until Apocalypse is activated
  10. Once Apocalypse reaches the 2 round mark bring out the roach again
  11. Use Survival (second slot) 
  12. Apocalypse will play and you are now standing amongst the lifeless bodies of your opponent's team, yay!

Pet Acquisition:
  • Death's Head Cockroach (levels 22 -23) can be found in Mount Hyjal on Kalimdor. Good places to check are Ascendant's Rise and south of the Shrine of Goldrinn. 
  • Eternal Striders (levels 24 - 25) can be found in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms in Pandaria check the areas with rivers and lakes.  
  • Alpine Foxlings (levels 24 - 25)  can be found all over the snowy mountain ranges in Kun-Lai Summit in Pandaria. This is also a good time to pick up a Kun-Lai Runt as they are found in the same area.

Pet Alternatives:
  • Death's Head Cockroach can be replaced by any Cockroach/Beetle with the Apocalypse ability. Having Survival is not a must but it's a nice perk. Find all alternatives here!
  • The Eternal Strider can be replaced by any aquatic pet really, the key to its success is that its type is a strong counter to an elemental pet. However, you need to keep in mind that you need to kill the first two pets within the 15 round timer of Apocalypse to use this strat. With that said, here is a list of aquatic pets with the Water Jet ability which is what I prefer to use. 
  • Alpine Foxlings can be replaced with most fox or wolf pets in the game as they have the same skill set. I like the synergy that the Howl-Leap-and Bite combo have for quickly dispatching of critters. Other beast pets with this lineup include: Apline Foxling Kit, Arctic Fox Kit, Fjord Worg Pup, Fox Kit, or the Worg Pup.

Related Posts:

xoxo ~glynnia


  1. I think I'm going to Fraps my personal experience Pet Battling using your stat guide. Don't worry, I'll make sure to fail miserably - which isn't too off from any other pet battling day.

    I think the most offensive thing about this post is the screenie of your line-up and how your pets go unnamed.


    1. I don't like to get attached because it's easier to let them go in the event that they perish defending my good name in battle.

  2. After defeating the pandarian spirit, you must make your way to Viridian City and collect the last badge before challenging the elite four. Remember to evolve all your pokemon, I mean battle pets, forcefully if you have to. Sometimes they disobey but you have to establish dominance. See Jane Goodall for sources.
