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Friday, June 21, 2013

Wild Pandaria: Flowing Pandaren Spirit

The Flowing Pandaren Spirit marks our fourth and final stop on our tour of the Pandaren Spirit Trainers. One more battle and you can claim supremacy over those "illiterate mongrels", as Bheez likes to say... to us. Hooray! With the right lineup this fight is no contest.

Find out how I fared here!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wild Pandaria: Burning Pandaren Spirit

A few things I kept in mind when selecting and testing my lineups were; availability, pet level, replay value, and their likelihood to succeed. My lineups aren't necessarily for the people that truly LOVE pet battling, you know the ones that are methodically working through their pet journal and replacing all their lesser quality pets with rares- then leveling them to 25 (totally not me), although they would surely find success with these comps. This mini-series was to target and help people that are a little more casual about the whole experience. 'Cause, really, I think everybody deserves a shot at some cool pet skins! Never let it be said that I am not an equal opportunity collecting enthusiast. 

Now that we've got that out of the way, on to the fight!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Wild Pandaria: Whispering Pandaren Spirit

It used to be popular (and maybe it still is) to "carry" a lower level pet through these high-end trainer battles to get some big XP upon success, obviously assuming your low level pet didn't get KO'd during the encounter. I've tried that strat on most of the trainer battles in Pandaria, and in my opinion it isn't an effective way to level a pet if you're going for speed. 

With the exception of this particular trainer!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Wild Pandaria: Thundering Pandaren Spirit

I've heard from various sources around the internet that this battle seems to be the most difficult of the four you need to complete the Pandaren Spirit Tamer quest. 

Personally, I haven't found that to be true and here's why:

Wild Pandaria: Intro to a Pet Tamer's Guide to Spirit Battles

So you finally got a team of three of your favorite (or maybe at this point not so much) pets to 25, congrats! If you have been dutifully defeating pet trainers all over Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Outlands, and Pandaria along the way then you probably have a quest to defeat the Pandarian Spirit Trainers in your log and it's high time you knocked them out! No, put the bat down that's not what I meant...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Moon Guard FlagRSP Version 2.NO

While mindlessly running through The Barrens on a low level Horde some months back, I decided to head over to Lushwater Oasis to catch some Deviate Fish.

The only thing I caught that day were two Alliance from Moon Guard doing some recreational swimming.

Wheeeeeeeeeelp. Time to take a trip down memory lane and explore the wonderful world of run-on sentences, ominous Latin words, and Adjective Abusers Anonymous.

Click below for FlagRSPleeeeeeeeaseeeee OH DEAR GOD MY EYES.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Bheezem's Angels

"Once upon a time, there were three classy ladies who worked for the Horde. And they were each assigned very hazardous duties. But I took them away from all that, and now they work for me. My name is Bheezem."