
Silly (91) Story Time (49) SWtoR (39) GW2 (33) WoW (28) Guides (25) PvP (21) Tips (15) Review (14) Birthday Bash (12) F2P Series (11) Free Stuff (8) Diablo III (7) Rift (7)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

When Games Go Downhill

Blizzard's newest World of Warcraft expansion, "Mists of Pandaria", goes live today and it only seemed appropriate to include this news under the post title's label since this blog wasn't around for the launch of Cataclysm.  Not saying Wrath was a fantastic xpac, but it sure looks that way in comparison.

Behold; Pandas... and mists!

Oh who am I fooling? I'm sure I'm gonna end up playing this at some point. 

xoxo ~glynnia

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Team Vashj!

So, I was hangin out in front of Stormwind the other day, watching some Horde trying to kill the newly revamped lvl 90 guards and getting 2 shotted, when I remembered to tell my new friend Mr. Twilight Drake that Team Vashj MIGHT be getting back together for October for the Halloween world event...needless to say he was UBER excited!

Friday, September 14, 2012

GW2 Dance Dance Revolution: Yak's Bend Style

I was strolling (and by strolling I mean running; I was too broke to afford a teleport) through the Human city of Divinity's Reach looking for a place to squat for the night when I happened upon two Humans and a Norn white girl dancing their blues away.

Having all of 17 copper to my name, I decided to put on my ill-fitting red shoes and dance the blues as well. 


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Feliz CumpleaƱos!

It's the one time of year at the Zoobuck's household (that's Bheezem's bachlor pad for those of you not "in the know") that all the minions get to eat, drink, and be merry while going about their usual task of inflating Bheez' ego to frighteningly large proportions*. The rest of the year they don't get to eat, drink, or be merry while doing so.

What is this momentous occasion you might ask? Why, you should know lest you have the sense beat into you by the Warlock himself!

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, IT IS YOUR SPECIAL DAY! Aaaaaaaand I don't know the rest. But I bet I know a group of furries that might!

Happy Birthday from your most loyal companions. 
Oh, and also from Team Vashj!

*Fun Fact: Humans are about 70% water whereas Bheez is actually 70% ego.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Return to WoW...sorta

Well, there you have it. I went crawling back to WoW becuz I have no morals or understanding of GOOD gaming...rofl. But no, I'm uber excited for MoP simply for the fact that these Pandas are FREAKIN ADORABLE! /giggle Anywhooooo, I promised the crew I would record my return...wellllll this ISN'T it...hehe :D

I do however have a video for your enjoyment! Let me first introduce you to Weldog. Weldog is a mage, like me only not as ridiculously good looking as me (anyone get that movie reference? You'll get brownie points if you know it!) Weldog LOVES PvP! He's pretty damn good at it and if you ever get the chance to hear him BG in a skype call, it's pretty gut busting funny! Anywhoooo, when I returned to WoW, Weldog had just come back too! He decided to make a video of his return as well and fraps some arenas, BGs, and what not. But of course not before letting yours truly make a cameo! Soooo, sit back, get your popcorn, and enjoy the movie! (By the way, my main is Akitta, trust me, you'll see me) :D

Oh and one more thing, >.> this is all Weldog's fault Jeetle...soooooo I'M INNOCENT! :)
(oh and another thing, my cameo officially ends after 3 mins or so.)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday Freebie

Taking a short break from GW2 with today's post! Don't worry, it won't last.

As anybody that lives within a Skype call of me can attest, I am addicted to gaming phone apps. I really enjoy pouring time into turret defense and strategy style games with the occasional "jumper" thrown in the mix to keep things fresh (I'm looking at you Unicorn Dash). Pair that with my love for dragons and that, my friends, is the recipe for prescription glasses...which I'm going to need after playing through this Friday's Freebie two-fer offering!


Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Gummi Bears (Krewe) do World vs World

I recorded some World vs World to show people what it looks like with the AMD Radeon HD 6670 (aka the only graphics card in the world that perpetually takes a **** while playing). I get between 1 to 3 FPS while even when I'm not participating in anything that would be considered "graphically intense". Oh, and before you start pointing out all the trees- just know that I'm playing on the lowest possible graphics settings before the game starts looking like an 8 bit arcader from the 80's.

And yes, this song was completely appropriate since Shirley and I are the Gummi Bear Krewe... she always wanted to be a furry.

Feel my pain!

xoxo ~glynnia