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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Moon Guard + Guild Finder = Apocalypse

As it's obviously everyone's last hours here on Earth, I thought to grace you with WoW's Guild Finder feature. This was implemented back in patch 4.Idon'tcare and is the one tool I never truly delved into - until now.

What a gem I've been missing out on. Naturally Moon Guard is the server that presents many fantastic choices, and I find myself stumped as to which guild to join. Won't you help me decide?

Click below to reveal which guild I joined!

You're welcome.




  1. I get back from my "ohgodtheworldisendingtimetospendbheezem'smoneylikeit'sgoingoutofstyle" vacation and instead of being greeted by the apocalypse I get this! I want my money back!

    Nice guild choice but I totally would have gone with the Bloodlust Cartel. Once you get those nelfs hooked on moondust the money just makes itself and you don't even have to ERP!

    I want to see a battle of the guild recruitment memos spanning several servers... like some of our old haunts?? WHATDYASAY HUH??

    1. ACE, that wasn't even half of the guild selection on Moon Guard and it was only Horde side. I was getting a headache scrolling through and reading all the rooty-tooty-fresh-and-fruity Belf scams that I stopped to punch a kitten.

      Bet Alliance has some choice Whoreshire guilds you can join! But yeah, LET'S INFILTRATE.
