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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Remembering Rift

Once upon a time I played Rift. Yes, I know, it's practically WoW but with tentacles and shinies. No, your judgmental looks can't shame me into not playing it because the milk has already been spilled and in any case I freely admit I played the heck outta WoW too, which may just be the greater of the two evils. Look, I was young and reckless and hooked by RP then PvP then PvE... Then I met this Warlock... and that's another story for another time (perhaps)!

Well, back to the point (assuming I had one)! Bheez, Shirely, and I played Rift for about six months when it first came out and around that time Trion decided to throw a "Half Birthday" bash in honor of making it to such a milestone. There was confetti, and cake, and games and they even sweetened the pot by holding a screencap contest with the winner getting a brand-spankin' new computer! I think you see where this is going. We ARE Welfare Gamers after all.

Needless to say we didn't win, even though I still feel we blew the competition out of the water (literally in Bheez' case), and Shirley's entry will go down in Rift typo history with her now legendary submission of a misspelled "SPLAT"- it turned out to be a fan favorite. Sadly, her entry was lost to time and the hard-drive reaper that eventually calls to us all.

Without further adieu, here are the entries we managed to salvage from the wreckage, just for you! 

Bheez just HAD to be nekkie:

Glynnia needed more glowstix:

Aaand, a .gif tribute to Shirley's fan favorite- CLICK DA LINK!

xoxo ~glynnia


  1. LOL We didn't even make it into the qualifying. We weren't even good enough to be bench-warmers. COULDN'T THEY SEE BY THE QUALITY AND TYPOS WE REALLY NEEDED A NEW COMP WITH SPELL CHECK?

    lolool @ the.gif

    1. "Well, back to the point (assuming I had one)! Bheez, Shirely, and I..."

      "Shirely" - POINT IN CASE, BOTH OUR ILLITERATE ASSES NEEDED THAT NEW COMP! (nevermind Bheez who literally didn't have one since it blew up rofl)

  2. SPALT RULES!!!!!!!
