
Silly (91) Story Time (49) SWtoR (39) GW2 (33) WoW (28) Guides (25) PvP (21) Tips (15) Review (14) Birthday Bash (12) F2P Series (11) Free Stuff (8) Diablo III (7) Rift (7)

Friday, August 31, 2012

101 Ways to Defeat King Jeric: no. 9-12

It's been nearly an entire week since the pre-launch of GW2, and while I've been throwing faulty grenades willy-nilly like a good little Asura Engineer, I have not forgotten my duty to bring to light the latest "tragic" mishappenings of King Jeric.

You know, King Jeric... The Saviour of the Alliance? The Leader of the Wild Hog Biker Gang? World of Borecraft's MVP for most Hogger deaths? 

No? Click below for a refresher course in the continuing 101 Ways series!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

GW2 Vistas and Puzzles!

It has been nearly four days since Guild Wars 2 has launched and I'm having such a great time exploring the world of Tyria that I put together some clips of my Vista Exploti-eer, Vista Viewing Adventures.

While in Lion's Arch one day, going about my business of attempting to 100% the map, I happened upon a super secret cave opening...One thing led to another and I soon found myself knee-deep in pirate's booty with Shirley hot on my tail.

Watch the video to see what we were up to!

Check out my channel for more videos of this nature and other unnecessary nonsense.

xoxo ~glynnia

Saturday, August 25, 2012

GW2 First Impressions and Vistas!

My first impressions of the Guild Wars 2 launch have been really good. They brought the servers up three hours prior to the "official" preplay scheduled time and I had no problem picking my server or creating my character! Already winning in my book.  Even the lag was pretty minimal given the amount of bodies populating the zones (dead or otherwise). One of the smoothest launches I've participated in, eva!

Now, that isn't to say there haven't been hiccups, but what launch would be complete without them?

CLICK THE LINK FOR THE CURE TO HICCUPS! Ok, not really, it's just more text and a video... but still, click the link!

Friday, August 24, 2012

GW2 Update!

If you've been living under a rock for the past week, then perhaps you haven't heard...

ArenaNet has announced the possibility of bringing up their game servers 3 hours in advance of their highly anticipated midnight launch! This news sprang from the realization that they will most likely need to do this to cope with the inevitable login-attempt-meltdown they will face when the clock strikes 12. Our countdown timer is sync'd to the early-preplay login attempt spam time, because we care!

So you've got a few hours left to get your shit in order. Get to the grocery store, stock up on edible provisions and caffeine, take care of your social obligations, brainstorm on all the character names you want to reserve, oh, and don't forget to make your bed (lookin' at you sheetless-bed sleepers.../cringe).

Using common sense:
ArenaNet: 1     Blizzard: 0

xoxo ~glynnia

F2P Series - Smite (Beta)

With this post we will be concluding our F2P series for the indefinite future as Guild Wars 2 is launching in a matter of hours(!) and we suspect the blog will become saturated with offerings of useless information and ridiculous hijinks focused on the lands of Tyria... that is until we reach burnout and/or inevitable disappointment!

With that said, Bheez and I were lucky enough to be able to experience Smite in its "closed beta" for the past couple of weeks (along with the other 500 thousand people that applied for a free beta key). Smite is the love child that you'd get if a MOBA and MMORPG stayed in while listening to some Teddy Pendergrass. In fact, why don't you go ahead and click on over to that link to set the mood for this post.

If you like the above mentioned game genres then it's very likely you'll like Smite. Unless you can't stand ancient lore and culture references, or monkeys, then you won't like it at all. Smite pits some of history's most badace gods against one another with a MOBA style flow but changes things up by using a 3rd person perspective- giving it a battleground feel. As our friend Hooch once put it, "It's like a 30 minute MMO". Indeed it is.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Remembering Rift: "/SPALT" Edition

The little entry that could (and failed; take a lesson kids: don't try to be... 'creative'):



</3 Shirley

Remembering Rift

Once upon a time I played Rift. Yes, I know, it's practically WoW but with tentacles and shinies. No, your judgmental looks can't shame me into not playing it because the milk has already been spilled and in any case I freely admit I played the heck outta WoW too, which may just be the greater of the two evils. Look, I was young and reckless and hooked by RP then PvP then PvE... Then I met this Warlock... and that's another story for another time (perhaps)!

Well, back to the point (assuming I had one)! Bheez, Shirely, and I played Rift for about six months when it first came out and around that time Trion decided to throw a "Half Birthday" bash in honor of making it to such a milestone. There was confetti, and cake, and games and they even sweetened the pot by holding a screencap contest with the winner getting a brand-spankin' new computer! I think you see where this is going. We ARE Welfare Gamers after all.

Needless to say we didn't win, even though I still feel we blew the competition out of the water (literally in Bheez' case), and Shirley's entry will go down in Rift typo history with her now legendary submission of a misspelled "SPLAT"- it turned out to be a fan favorite. Sadly, her entry was lost to time and the hard-drive reaper that eventually calls to us all.

Without further adieu, here are the entries we managed to salvage from the wreckage, just for you! 

Bheez just HAD to be nekkie:

Glynnia needed more glowstix:

Aaand, a .gif tribute to Shirley's fan favorite- CLICK DA LINK!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

F2P Series - DC Universe Online

DC Universe Online; home to the superhero and (super)villains of yesteryear... yesteryear being January of 2011 when DCUO launched as a subscription based game. They say the first year is always the hardest and in this game's case it would seem the first 11 months were so rough it couldn't even make it to its first anniversary before succumbing to the F2P game model in November.

Well, DC Universe, you have my attention now!

I remember hearing about this game but never really looking into it because, well, let's be honest (since I'm normally not with you)... I'm just not into spandex and face paint. I'm MUCH more into swords, spells, 'n face paint. Seeing as how Bheez has a flare for the dramatic this game was right up his alley, and mine too since I signed on to do this review series. And you know what? If I have to suffer then everybody does. That's why I invited Shirley to guest review on this installment of the F2P Series!


Dance Dance MMO (DDM)

xoxo ~glynnia

Monday, August 20, 2012

101 Ways to Defeat King Jeric: no. 5-8

The latest installment from the 101 Ways series, featuring The King of the North Alliance, Jeric.

As always, I'm functional illiterate friendly, therefore bask in the wonders of MS paint.


Sunday, August 19, 2012

101 Ways: A New Series!

Has there ever been that special someone on your server that deserves extra attention... you know, that one person who makes you laugh, cry (tears of utter lols), and choke on a bottle of [INSERT GAMER FUEL HERE] as you laugh and cry at the same time?

Let me take you on a picture book inspired journey as you discover the man behind the King of the Alliance:

Click below for no. 1-4 in this ongoing series!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

World of Warcraft and FlagRSP II

It's that time again to take a trip down memory lane circa 2006 World of Warcraft. 

And you know what that means.