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Friday, February 10, 2012

TGIF - HM Esseles Casino Night

Flyers were posted all over The Republic Fleet announcing it was Casino Night at the Esseles. Naturally Jedi aren't tempted by such unsavoury vices, but Keeta said it was honest fun as she held us at gunpoint until we agreed.

Now, normally Keeta would be playing the table, but after Corso put his wallet on lockdown she had no credits to frivolously blow through.

That's where Bravo Leader Bheezem "volunteered" to play a couple of rounds.

Failing to obtain shinnies, a new computer, and Malgus, Keeta decided the only way to get what you wanted wasn't through Bravo Leader Bheezem - it's through teaching her fellow classy ladies the subtle art of Ball Shot.

Things didn't turn out well for Glynnia.

Dealer C2-N2 informed us that they didn't hold the credits on hand, but someone by the name of Vokk would be happy to cash us out.

We came to the conclusion that Esseles Casino Night was rigged and did what any mature person would do in such a predicament - turned the other cheek - and walked straight into the Esseles to trash the place like a gorram rock star.

Finally we reached Vokk, the Sith holding our casino winnings hostage. After taking numerous Double Saber Tosses to the face, Token Alien Shirley decided a more discrete way to engage Vokk is to mow the SOB down in her freshly painted Loser Cruiser. (+100 Environmental Points for carpooling. -100 Environmental Points for failing to pass the Smog Check.)

Alas, with Vokk defeated the crew obtained their earnings - a measly pass to the VIP Lounge in The Republic Fleet Cantina. We looked down at our VIP bracelets with contempt. Someone had to pay, and since C2-N2 was all the way back at the casino table, the Twi'lek Ambassador would have to suffice.

Finally it was time to blow this joint, so we hopped on a missle, bombed the Imps, and crashed into the sun.

Like a baus.

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