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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Security Key Setup

Hi all,
I've been getting questions about how to set-up the free security key in-game. It's super easy and not only does it provide you with your very own account bouncer (PST Vampd for details) it gives you access to a vendor with some nice vanity items! The one catch is that you need to have a smartphone, so either an iPhone or one that supports browsing/downloading off the Android Market. 

If you don't have this it doesn't mean you're going  to be completely left out, it just means you'll have to fork over more IRL dolla-dollabills to purchase the physical key. I assume the setup is similar, however, I'm not going to cover that today since I'm all about the freebies!

Follow the step-by-step below and sleep better at night knowing your virtual valuables are extra safe. Click the jump!
  1. Navigate to
  2. Login to your account (located at the upper right hand corner of the screen). You may be prompted to answer a few of your security questions to verify your identity during this process.
  3. Click on "Security Key" in the navi-bar on the right hand side of the screen.

4.  Click "Set up a new mobile security key" on the new screen.

5.  You'll need to download the app onto your phone now, so click the link just above the setup box; "Download a Security Key app".

6.  On the lower right hand corner of the new screen you'll see the options for each market, click the one that applies to you and download the app from your browser to your phone. Ah, technology!

7.  Confirm the download on your phone and follow the prompts, you will need to go back to the setup page outlined in step 5 above to fill out the required fields to sync the app to your account. You can click your browser's back button to achieve this.

And that's it! This process should only take about 10 minutes of your time so very little "bunker-down" prep is needed. Unless you have an incredibly short attention span like Bheez, then have your Gameboy handy. 

If you're Republic the vendor is located on the main ring of the Fleet at -4751.710 and goes by the name Tamin. The stylish smuggler (aren't they all??) sells some extra companion customizations, the full Republic Dancer's mod-able outfit, other odds and ends- the most useful imo being the Fleet Pass. For 1,000 credits you can grab a bunch of these and port to the fleet whenever you want, no more waiting on an 18 hour cooldown! Note that they are BoP.

For a full vendor list visit, Tamin is searchable.

xo Glynnia


  1. I like how Liztard begged BioWare to put his Customization right above the skank attire in hopes someone would misclick his item and be forced to use it.

    1. actually.......... yeah that did happen to me lol
