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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Ahh ragers...

So there I the middle of Huttball doin my thang, when the ball spawned next to me in middle. Using my cat like reflexes, I grab the ball, sprint past the opposition, chuck norris round house kicking someone into the fire as they chase me down, leap through the flames and score! The crowd goes wild as Glynnia and myself dispatch the rabble left that were pursuing us! "Cool, time to go back to mid" I think. But wait...
What's this? what did I do as a tank to deserve this kind of anger? Well, I made the grave mistake of angering the oh mighty Nayabilie by playing my class and using the ability "Guard" HEAVENS NO! I'VE PISSED HIM OFF! IT'S ALL OVER FOR ME!

(proceeds to score 3 more times while listening to Glynnia laugh as Nayabilie tries to pursue a vendetta and literally lets me walk by with the ball, letting me score AND get the immortal status in a huttball)

At the very end we were locked in what in his mind i'm sure was an epic battle between bad (me) vrs living god
I got REALLY lucky apparently when I used my resilience- (removes hostile forch/tech debuffs from you and makes you immune to them for 5 seconds) and not only escaped a fiery fate as he tried to bull rush me and knock me into the fire, but i got EVEN LUCKIER when I turned around and ninja kicked him into it myself.

Glynnia was kind enough to capture the text for me, as I had more pressing matters to attend to, like continuing to eat my mcdonalds chicken nuggets.

Nayabilie is a higher valor rank republic member

question of the day, why do faction members who are forced to play together and cooperate get so mad over a lovely game of huttball when they must fight eachother?


  1. lol, good times! he was just really, really mad that you did to him what he failed to do to you! and also, his "dps" didn't even break my bubble, so not sure why he was so mad @ bheez for not being able to kill me... i gave him like 5 mins 1v1 to try XD

  2. Lawdy, someone get this man an anti-diarrheal, he got shat spewing outta his mouth.

    Oh, and what Nayabilie said was rude too.
