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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The False Emperor [HM] Guide Video

00:06 Tregg The Destroyer
00:52 Jindo Krey
02:46 Prototype Droids
03:32 HK-47
04:58 Miniboss-Chondrus Barana
05:14 Sith Entity
07:39 Malgus

The fights are explained in detail within the video, however one thing to note about our video is we had a few glitches on certain fights such as the Jindo Krey and the final stealth phase of HK-47. Keeta also disconnected towards the start of the malgus fight and didn't make it back until the end.

Don't be discouraged if you have a hard time with this instance, it was our first hard mode ever, and back when we didn't have gear ended up spending 40k credits in repairs each getting through it.

 Results may vary, if you believe this video guide may not be right for you, consult your doctor about when and if you should take advice from welfaregamers, side effects may include mind numbing disbelief, sadness, shame, humilation, and ultimately failure. Other side effects may apply

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  1. I'm just glad you put music over our talking. His work Bheez!!

  2. Key points of this video:

    1. Eating Jindo's missles, dying, getting rezzed, eating more missles, dying, laying sprawled on the floor with a lightsaber to the knee. The console wasn't broken, THIS IS OBVIOUSLY A CONSPIRACY TO KILL TOKEN ALIENS.

    2. Reading guild chat during HK-47 fight.

    3. Eating the Sith Entity's enrage for Token Alien Death #3 while Bheez Needs on loot that clearly isn't an upgrade. (MY COMPANION NEEDED IT MORE, YOU GOTS NO PRIORITIEZ)

    4. The entire Malgus fight:

    -Bheez back peddling in the cinema when Malgus jumps down from his pristine toliet as he Force Pushes Bheez for not using Mr. Clean to scrub it as commanded.

    -Malgus hawt.

    -The 1v1 POV through Bheez's eyes as Malgus masterfully wields his lightsaber while something about Taco Bell plays in the background makes me both jealous and hungry.

    -Kitty D/Cin' for the entire fight proves that RAPTOR JESUS IS A GD FRAUD.

    -Malgus hawt.
