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Monday, September 2, 2013

A Long, Long Time Ago....

I can still remember how that music used to make me smile
And I knew if I had my chance
That I could make those people dance
And maybe they'd be happy for a while

Now that I have THAT song stuck in your head...check out our adventure from months ago that I've been to busy (ok, lazy) to finish and post until now!

Click Me!


  1. LOL! Thanks for all the hard work putting this together!

    New drinking game: every time somebody drops the F bomb!Make sure you have a designated driver... Or at the least, a pillow at your desk.

    Ain't nobody can say Kitty ain't got heart! She gets knocked down, but she gets up again... you're never gonna get her down (pissin' the niiiight awaaaaay, pissin the niiiight awwaaay- YW).

  2. Man o man, if we ever play that drinking game we're all wakin up with hangovers! LOL


    LOLZ @ Bheez getting blown off the side and dying; Diaper Doggie; Kitty getting run over by a flaming ball whilst the Indiana Jones theme plays; Glynnia telling us to "shoot indiscriminately like the LAPD"; how the rest of the night went "like this" [insert Kitty's corpse here]; me off in the corner telling Kitty to "PSSssST SHOOT" to face pull to cut off Bheez's long-winded directions (WHICH WEREN'T EVEN RIGHT); and finally, the flashback to our 'strategy' on how to kill the boss!

    I LOVE IT, KITTY! You gettin' really good at makin' them vids all flashy! ENCORRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! /throws gas station cheesecakes yo' way!

  4. YESSSSS! Gas station cheesecakes are better than getting an Oscar or Emmy, or any other worthless trophy! It's all worth it for those gas station cheesecakes!! LOL
