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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Rampaging Bots!

So there I was, traversing courageously through the desolate frozen tundra that is Lornar's Pass in search of powerful Dwarven Relics that would aid the Priory in dealing with Zhaitan's corruption.

One step at a time I ascended the frosty peaks with my fearless companion, Sven, at my side. Together we would complete this crucial task and face whatever monstrosities fate threw in our path. With Sven I had faced the likes of Centaurs, Skelks, Ettins, Jotuns, and even invading nations in the Eternal Battlegrounds. Nothing could stand against our might.

Nothing that is... until we came across this:



  1. lol Wooooow.

    You and Sven look suspiciously like them bots. Rhy you turn on your Chinese brethren?!

    1. I know! I kept busting a sweat thinking that I would be reported as a bot if anybody else happened to come across this mess. Curse you Sven!

      Then I thought, well when you report somebody for botting it shows you their account name so surely if they saw that then they would see it's not a botting account... then I remembered the rule of thumb when reporting for botting: if you can't pronounce the suspected botter's account name, report anyway. And that's when I realized that I was screwed either way.

      So I reported them all as quickly as I could, took the video, and ran for the border... because they were clearly Team Taiwan bots.
