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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Our Mom Plays - World of Warcraft

Happy Halloween everyone! Remember the good old days of Trick or Treating (IRL)? Depending on your perspective, you might be in for a treat!

This is the first installment of a new series we like to call "Our Mom Plays". I think it's pretty self-explanatory, but seeing as how I'm long-winded, here's an explanation anyway. A while ago Shirley and I were able to convince our mom to create a trial account for World of Warcraft.

How might you ask?

Well, our mom loves the Sinister Squashling pet that is only obtainable during the Hallow's End world event and she could no longer resist the urge to have one of her very own so she set out with our help to attempt to visit all the candy buckets in Azeroth to collect enough Tricky Treats to buy one.

Click the "READ ME" to see how she did on her very first MMO jaunt! 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

How to World Vs. World - Guild Wars 2

Bheez and I have had some epic adventures in the past. This may (or may not be) one of them. The only way to find out is to see for yourself. And seeing as how you're here in first place, you probably have nothing better to do, so enjoy!

How to World Vs. World (A Silent Film) - part one presented by Team Vashj, aka the Cuddwy Kwoo [Ck] - after the break!
YEAH YOU HAVE TO CLICK THE LINK. Gawd, kids these days... so lazy.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

When Games Go Downhill

Yes, it's another World of Warcraft knock because I clearly haven't done that enough!
Bheez and I were minding our own business when we came across a familiar name while browsing through Vashj's PvP Ladder page...

Click the READ MORE for the big reveal!

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Day the Earth Stood Still

OH, is it Glynnia's birthday already? Well, to celebrate this day I'd like to offer the following re-used image:

So, what does a tragic picture of a bear watching a thatch roof house (with a poorly done MS Paint sign) burn have to do with anything? Everything! After coaxing numerous adjectives, nouns, verbs, etc. out of an oblivious (to the English language) Glynnia... a present was born.

Click the wrapping paper below to open zee gift!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Rampaging Bots!

So there I was, traversing courageously through the desolate frozen tundra that is Lornar's Pass in search of powerful Dwarven Relics that would aid the Priory in dealing with Zhaitan's corruption.

One step at a time I ascended the frosty peaks with my fearless companion, Sven, at my side. Together we would complete this crucial task and face whatever monstrosities fate threw in our path. With Sven I had faced the likes of Centaurs, Skelks, Ettins, Jotuns, and even invading nations in the Eternal Battlegrounds. Nothing could stand against our might.

Nothing that is... until we came across this:

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Memory Lane: Mattel® Blood Elf Paladins and FlagRSP

I thought it appropriate to graffiti the blog with more musings and ramblings from a simpler time. 

A time circa 2007 WoW where Glynnia and I created Belf Paladins for the soul purpose of twinking. Behold! Barbie (Bharbie) and Kelly (Kaelli) were created in all their overly-tanned/processed beauty.

We decided to level to 39 for maximum BG grieving (at the time), so we set forth into SilverCybermoon and beyond. 

Pffft, getting to level 39 would be simple.



Click below to witness the destructive power of the world's most abused gaming add-on.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mists of Pandaria: A Haiku

Has it already been a week since Blizzard's latest x-pac launched? Oh, well I guess it has been. Time just flew! You know, cause I've been so busy playing... Guild Wars 2. Now, that isn't to say I haven't played MoP. I have. Enough to be able gift you with this beautiful pseudo-haiku.

Close your eyes and prepare to be transported across a moonlit sea (that one's for you Sel).