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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Getting hacked in D3

Yeah, I got to witness it in realtime, I got logged out twice and each time I logged back in, more and more of my items were missing. In my desperate attempt to change my password before it was finished, I completed the reset and logged back in, but alas...all was gone. So I requested a rollback etc etc...

This was the email I recieved after two days:


Thank you for contacting Blizzard Customer Support regarding your Diablo III account.

Each Diablo III account is limited to two rollbacks. We cannot guarantee the availability of future rollbacks beyond these two. Because of this, we require your approval to use a rollback to address this situation. If you would like us to proceed, please respond to this ticket and clearly state that you wish to use one of your two rollbacks. If you do not respond, no restoration will be made for this issue.

***Please do not play on the account in any region after requesting a rollback, as any progress gained before the account is rolled back will be permanently lost.***

To address a compromise, we will use a periodically updated rollback point to roll your account back to a prior state. Though rollback points are regularly updated, they may not be current when a compromise occurs. Progress (such as levels, achievements, and items) gained after the rollback point was saved but before the compromise occurred may be permanently lost when we roll back your account. Customer Support cannot adjust rollbacks in any way, nor can we assist with progress lost as a result of the rollback.

Your current account status appears below:

Aule/ Demon Hunter/ level 60
Aule/ Monk/ level 13
Gold 0
Hardcore Gold 0

If you approve use of a rollback, the account will revert to:

Aule/ Demon Hunter/ level 60
Aule/ Monk/ level 13
Gold 383783
Hardcore Gold 0

Any items you have gained since the above rollback point will be lost.  For additional information on how compromise rollbacks are handled for Diablo III accounts, see our article on Compromised Diablo III Accounts:

Note: After the first compromise rollback occurs on a account, that account's access to the Diablo III Real Money Auction House will be restricted until an authenticator is attached. If you elect to refrain from adding an authenticator, and the account is compromised a second time, access to the Diablo III Real Money Auction House will be revoked.

Account security is critically important. To help protect your account, see the Compromised Diablo III Account support article linked above for account and computer security instructions and tips.

If you have further questions, please reply to this ticket. If you prefer to speak to a representative over the phone, our contact information can be found here:

Thank you again for contacting us. We hope you continue to enjoy your experience in Diablo III!

Best wishes,

Game Master Mazarhai
Customer Services
Blizzard Entertainment

Ok, its not like i planned on playing any more blizzard games, seeing as I will be moving to Guild Wars2 when it comes out, but this was still my main means of passing time. I wonder if any other people are having security problems

I just thought this article was interesting

note how authenticators are not 100% guaranteed to protect you. Even though you pay extra money for them(some people might argue its a small amount to be fair)

But still there is something about this that reminds me of mafia extorition. Something along the lines of, "Pay our organization protection money, or something may "happen" to your store mr. fish monger."

And no blizzard, I didn't want to shell out on an authenticator before, and I still don't want to

EDIT: AGHHHH (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


  1. Stick it to the man!! Oh wait... you already gave him your money.

  2. "We hope you continue to enjoy your experience in Diablo III!"

    AHAHAHA...HAHA...HA...haha...ha... (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

  3. I think I have to agree with Sel this time and say, Kyre, you need to stop lookin at fury pron and then you wouldn't has these problems....pervert.
    Rofl :)
