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Monday, May 26, 2014

A birthday wish to a very, VERY, special someone...

Happy Birthday Sally Ride! Well, that was a short post...

I can't help but feel I'm forgetting something. OH RIGHT. I guess it's Shirley's birthday too. Well thanks for nearly letting me forget, you good samaritan! Just for that you get a reward, but you have to click the link first!

/clears throat and coughs up a sprinkle


/sweeps it aside and begins to tell a grand story

It was an exciting night for the esteemed Doctor Shirley, as she brooded in her rocket ship on her way to Nexus. Her so called “friends” had gotten her a wonderful birthday present from Protostar Corporation. They had purchased her a plot of land on this new planet called… Nexus. At first she had been skeptical of the present, clearly seeing through the poorly veiled attempt at shipping her off to a backwater planet, but then she had thought about the possibilities of researching new knowledge for her creations and decided to go along with it. Besides, the Intergalactic Health Board (and D.E.H.T.A., and PETA, and the CDC) had been chasing after her with pitchforks and torches for a while now. She wouldn’t be surprised if they hadn’t of somehow paid for the gift that had been given to her. “Send me away on exile to another planet will they?” she thought to herself as she stuffed a piece of purple funfetti into her mouth. Just because she had missed a few important cuts during surgery didn’t make her unqualified-her medical license was perfectly legal. And just because she had bought it from Craaaaaazy Glynnia’s didn’t make it any less valid… and just because she wasn’t Doctor Vongranstein, didn’t mean his photo ID had to go to waste. She was a wonderful doctor! Why, only twelve of the thirteen individuals admitted into her clinic suffered any kind of surgical complications, and only eleven of the twelve had died! How dare the IHB try to revoke her license.  She turned to stare at her latest creation, a living piece of french toast. Once, it had been a man, in particular it had been a patient. Now, it was her faithful companion that would forever follow her across the stars since Snuggles abandoned her to live in the Cadbury Egg factory this last Easter. She couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride as it tried to devour her while she was looking out the window of her vessel at the now approaching planet Nexus.

Upon arriving at the plot of land that had been purchased on nexus, she drug her chained french toast and directed the work flow of the ship crew, instructing them where to set her luggage. She stepped onto her new plot of land, it looked as full of life, happiness, and dreams as a plot of land could.

She would have to change that.

She worked the land, toiling away for what felt like days… an agonizing two hours later, she decided she was done with the garden and lawn appeal.  A tiny smile cracked her leathered face as she took in the most beautiful sight she had seen, a dark looming tower surrounded by wispy willows and sinister gates. She filled the inside with even more scientifically implausible creations and a top-notch security peep cam. Her layer boasted its own laboratory, brimming with magical ingredients and concoctions that she would sell to the local dimwits to keep her real operation afloat.

Her true life’s work took place in her recreated surgical lab at the topmost chamber, where she essentially created her own tower of terror (minus the nauseating 300 foot drop). After her unpacking was done, she stood at the top of her tower and looked down her spiraling staircase, admiring the extravagance of the vision she had made. She felt a trembling within her and in the middle of the artificial night she had created, a dark sinister Mordesh laugh sounded through the night, inspiring fear, uncertainty, and possibly annoyance for her neighbors- just then the doorbell rang, but before she could compose herself to answer the door was busted in and all of Team Vashj spilled forth, destroying her front of house waiting room and tripping the alarm. She spent the rest of the night listening to everyone karaoke Happy Birthday along with their favorite show tunes in true tone deaf form while the alarm siren blared in the background (and Glynnia found and ate the rest of the purple funfetti).


~Team Vashj

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