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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Singles Awareness Day!

AKA - Valentine's Day. I figured the title was appropriate considering last year you probably forgot all about Valentine's Day and tried to pull a fast one by re-gifting something to your sweetheart at the last minute to save your sorry hide only to realize when said sweetheart opened the "gift" it was something they gave to you on Christmas. Totally not speaking from experience here.

Anyway! We all know the REAL love for Valentine's Day happens the day after, because all the heart themed chocolates are half off!

Hope you're spending today with your loved ones, single or not. I know I am!

xoxo ~glynnia

1 comment:

  1. lolz Happy S.A.D. ladies! As I always say, S.A.D. is like a second Halloween - 50-75% off them diabetes-inducing sweets!

    Poor Sven. FURRY ABUSE. FURRY ABUSE. And Zhaitan, well... ANET FIX YOUR SHAT!

