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Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday Freebie

Yay it's another Friday Freebie~ and I don't know anybody that doesn't like free stuff so don't you go changing that. OH RIGHT, the post...AHEM-

Have you ever thought of how great your life would be if you could just ride up a rainbow escaping the doldrums of your mundane existence and fly across a cloudy sky collecting stars as you go? No? Alright, me neither, but Whale Trail Frenzy might make you want to.

Click the link below to see if your technicolored dreams come true! (Bonus points if you can beat my high score!)

I've clocked in at 1,878,383- take THAT Bheez AHAHAHAHA!! Oh, sceencaps or it didn't happen? Right, here you go Mr. Indenialofmygreatness:

You can download Whale Trail Frenzy on the Android market here, or you can download the classic version for the iPhone here!

xoxo ~glynnia


  1. currently stocking krill to beat your high score, dont think it will last for long

    1. Currently stocking krill to beat the high score you think you're beating my high score with.

    2. NEW HIGH SCORE OF 1,932,638 yeeeeeeeees!
