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Saturday, June 23, 2012

F2P Series - Dragon Nest

So it was only a couple days into our stint with DDO when Bheez kept shoving this F2P down my throat. He was so excited about it that he started it without me... which royally pissed me off. So naturally I jumped on installing it and getting started myself without telling him. Because, yes, it IS a pissing contest. Always (and forever~).

My initial opinion was that I wouldn't like this game because firstly it's made by a Korean company (too many bad experiences), and secondly it is done in the typical anime-ish style that just doesn't do it for me (again, too many bad experiences). However, coming fresh off of playing DDO I figured it couldn't get more annoying so I dove in, and surprisingly didn't regret it.

READ MORE OF MY HATE OF ALL THINGS AZN AFTER THE JUMP! Ok not all things... I like the food... and also the cute little things they make to hold other cute little things in... and the shrimp flavored candy...and the engrish stationary... andandand-

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hello Kitty Island Slaughter

Hi there, taking a break from the F2P series, I have a video of our group playing Diablo 3 quite some time ago that I never uploaded. As you can see, we have infiltrated the gates of awesome and joy, and have seen firsthand what the afterlife holds for all of us when we die, even Inferno Belial may be able to one day live in such a blissful place.

Monday, June 18, 2012

F2P Series - Dungeons & Dragons Online

Ah Dungeons & Dragons! Arguably one of the most popular war-gaming franchises to date, steeped in history (hey, it's from the 70's so it's practically, like, ancient /side-eye) and controversy (who can forget the religious propaganda claiming it was the gateway to hell!) even in this modern day. One of my first experiences with the game was in college when I was visiting a friend, she introduced to me to her circle of peeps (mmm peeps) that just so happened to be playing the table top game.  I watched for a while and thought it seemed kinda neat, if you're into LARPing, which I'm not. ANYWAY. Later on a co-worker of mine mentioned he played the table top as well and then got me into painting minis. It was a phase, don't judge me!

In short: I've never played the game!  

So, when Bheez and I sat down to figure out what we were gonna do with ourselves over the next several weeks until GW2 goes live he threw out the names of a bunch of F2P games we should explore. And, naturally, being familiar-ish with the D&D brand I decided it would be a good place to start. 


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Free To Play (F2P) Series

Hey all,

Bheez and I have decided to embark on a free to play game series to pass the time while we wait for the Guild Wars 2 launch. We’ll be attempting to go through a couple games a week and grading them with a five star scale on the categories below:

Customization- How visually unique can your character be? Does it support custom UI configurations or mods and key mapping?

Game Play- How intuitive is the game? Are the intro quests designed to help you learn the controls of the game?

Graphics- This one is obvious. Is it PRETTY? We will take into consideration graphic engine sophistication and support at the time of launch for older entries.

Creativity- Does this game offer anything outside of what is expected in a MMO?

Fun Factor- Did I laugh because I was having a good time… or did I laugh because Bheez wasn’t having a good time?

So join us for some screenies and vids as we stumble through some of the internet’s finest F2P games! Feel free to leave your game suggestions in the comments.

xoxo ~glynnia

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

When Games Go Downhill

It's that time again, kids! Yay! Today's offering is brought to you by Diablo III.

What if I find the play experience undesirable even after I resume download...?

xoxo ~glynnia

Friday, June 1, 2012


Glynnia has sworn off Lyndon the Scoundrel saying he's "too smarmy", yet she'll apparently share intimate moments (BEHIND PYRIO'S BACK) with that self-righteous emo Templar, Kormac!


All I gotta say is...

<3 Shirley