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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sith Entity (optional)

  • Force Lightning
  • Mass Lightning
  • Knockback
  • Spawn Adds
Note: Hopefully Bioware will change this, but, if you feel iffy about your group downing this boss and want to attempt to go back after you have tried your hand at defeating Malgus you're in for some bad news. Using the elevator console after the Malgus encounter will crash your game, repeatedly. If you're on the fence, just give it a go otherwise you might regret not having at least tried. If your DPS is low you will hit the enrage timer rather quickly on this one. GL!

This is an uncomplicated fight, tank and spank the Sith Entity. When he spawns his three adds, you can either split DPS or focus- depends on what your group is comfortable with. Interrupting the caster's lightning abilities will greatly reduce outgoing damage. You should not have to go through more than three add phases for this encounter.

UPDATE: Bheez put together a video guide to accompany these walls of text, enjoy!

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