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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Jindo Krey

  • Stun/Knockdown
  • Grapple
  • Flame Sweep
This encounter has an added element of drama- the bounty hunter's ship is apparently possessed and intensely loyal OR Jindo has a C2-N2 piloting (I wouldn't doubt it). You will need to disable the ship's ability to alter your molecular structure by expertly manipulating the conveniently located consoles on the bridge (there are three) where the encounter takes place. 

When the ship is close you need to click on the console it is in front of to fire zee missiles! Once the missiles have been successfully fired you will be notified with a screen message, "Ship targeting system disrupted! Target lock reset!". When the ship is settled in the distance it will fire missiles that are, and should be, easily avoidable- there will be red and blue projected textures indicating the missile's trajectory. Pro tip: if your tank is capable have him/her position Jindo inside this area to eliminate his immunity shield if it's up. If not, it's still perfectly fine, we didn't figure this out during our first run and we still downed him.

We found that having our healer (yours truly) and our ranged DPS BOTH interacting with the consoles allowed for a much smoother encounter. The reason being that Jindo will Grapple or Stun/Knockdown the person interacting with the panel, so having two people doing it simultaneously saves a lot of time and minimizes group damage. Eventually you'll have damaged the ship enough that it quits life and you are only left to deal with Jindo.

Other than the ship mechanics you must have an interrupt rotation on Flame Sweep. This fight can easily get out of control if this ability goes off too many times. I have it on good authority that most if not all classes have an interrupt so take advantage of that.

TLDR: Have 2 ranged (heals/dps) click the console in front of the ship when it is in close range, avoid shiny things on the ground, interrupt Flame Sweep, profit.

UPDATE: Bheez put together a video guide to accompany these walls of text, enjoy!

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