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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Stupid Sentinel Tricks

I'm going to share my secret to success* with some Sentinel tricks-of-the-trade. Here's a completely situational, ill-thought-out, and pretty much useless (I'm not projecting) trick:

How to obtain 30 stacks of Centering before each fight (leaving you to save Valorous Call).


1. Find environmental damage. In this case, a huge BBQ pit of books Glynnia threw away because she can't read.

2. DDIAF. Throw Rebuke up to lessen the pain as your skin is melted from your bones. Watch as your Centering slowly, painstakingly reaches 30 stacks.

3. Stop, drop, and roll. You have exactly 60 seconds to execute this step before your Centering is lost. If this occurs see step 6.

4. Choose Centering ability of choice. In this case I'll use Transcendence as I'll want that 50% run speed buff to face-pull mobs back to Bravo Leader Bheezem who has been afk for 45 mins. Sure it'll wipe everyone, but don't forget Sentinels believe in corporal punishment. Also, don't worry about the repair cost you'll incur; I personally took the time to melt down C2-N2 for spare parts. $CHA-CHING$.

5. Rinse and repeat.

6. /nerdrageuninstall


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