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Monday, February 27, 2012

Our Favorite Gunslinger!

Whilst visiting Ord Mantell to plan a surprise birthday party for Captain Keeta, Glynnia, Shirley, and Bheezem ran into some... formidable nut-cracking opposition.

Mugshots of the Keeta-clones:

Glynnia aka Glyneeta

Shirley aka Shirleeta

Bheezem aka Bheezeta (WAY TO TYPO, PYRO)

Who did the best job of duplicating the one and only Keeta?!

Happy Birthday, Kitty!

<3 Team Vashj

Saturday, February 18, 2012


...oh wait never mind. I found Gimlii-two, which means... Gimlii-one has yet to be discovered. Better get on that death-match style Sel & Vampd.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine's Day

Today is going one of two ways for you; either you had absolutely no idea that Valentine's Day is tomorrow and you're sitting at home not giving a shat while you dick around as usual, OR you (still) had absolutely no idea that Valentine's Day is tomorrow and you're frantically searching for something to re-gift.

Well if you have a reason to celebrate Valentine's Day after this year's screw up let's hope you step-up your game for the next round. Otherwise you might end up tossed on a backwater planet without your clothing, lost, and homeless... like Corso.

And even if you don't, you can always celebrate the post-day holiday, "Lonely Hearts Club Day", by visiting your local discount store and buying out their love themed chocolates at 75% discount. SEE U THERE SEL.

xo Glynnia

Friday, February 10, 2012

TGIF - HM Esseles Casino Night

Flyers were posted all over The Republic Fleet announcing it was Casino Night at the Esseles. Naturally Jedi aren't tempted by such unsavoury vices, but Keeta said it was honest fun as she held us at gunpoint until we agreed.

Now, normally Keeta would be playing the table, but after Corso put his wallet on lockdown she had no credits to frivolously blow through.

That's where Bravo Leader Bheezem "volunteered" to play a couple of rounds.

Failing to obtain shinnies, a new computer, and Malgus, Keeta decided the only way to get what you wanted wasn't through Bravo Leader Bheezem - it's through teaching her fellow classy ladies the subtle art of Ball Shot.

Things didn't turn out well for Glynnia.

Dealer C2-N2 informed us that they didn't hold the credits on hand, but someone by the name of Vokk would be happy to cash us out.

We came to the conclusion that Esseles Casino Night was rigged and did what any mature person would do in such a predicament - turned the other cheek - and walked straight into the Esseles to trash the place like a gorram rock star.

Finally we reached Vokk, the Sith holding our casino winnings hostage. After taking numerous Double Saber Tosses to the face, Token Alien Shirley decided a more discrete way to engage Vokk is to mow the SOB down in her freshly painted Loser Cruiser. (+100 Environmental Points for carpooling. -100 Environmental Points for failing to pass the Smog Check.)

Alas, with Vokk defeated the crew obtained their earnings - a measly pass to the VIP Lounge in The Republic Fleet Cantina. We looked down at our VIP bracelets with contempt. Someone had to pay, and since C2-N2 was all the way back at the casino table, the Twi'lek Ambassador would have to suffice.

Finally it was time to blow this joint, so we hopped on a missle, bombed the Imps, and crashed into the sun.

Like a baus.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Bheezem's PvP video

welp this is it, this is a collection of footage i got over a span of about 1-2 weeks, meant to display when a champion/centurion geared Kinetic Shadow is capable, you won't see big numbers here, only big fights. Like the video if you support it! dislike it and you'll be in my next pvp video:)

here if the forum thread where I am answering questions

Security Key Setup

Hi all,
I've been getting questions about how to set-up the free security key in-game. It's super easy and not only does it provide you with your very own account bouncer (PST Vampd for details) it gives you access to a vendor with some nice vanity items! The one catch is that you need to have a smartphone, so either an iPhone or one that supports browsing/downloading off the Android Market. 

If you don't have this it doesn't mean you're going  to be completely left out, it just means you'll have to fork over more IRL dolla-dollabills to purchase the physical key. I assume the setup is similar, however, I'm not going to cover that today since I'm all about the freebies!

Follow the step-by-step below and sleep better at night knowing your virtual valuables are extra safe. Click the jump!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Ahh ragers...

So there I the middle of Huttball doin my thang, when the ball spawned next to me in middle. Using my cat like reflexes, I grab the ball, sprint past the opposition, chuck norris round house kicking someone into the fire as they chase me down, leap through the flames and score! The crowd goes wild as Glynnia and myself dispatch the rabble left that were pursuing us! "Cool, time to go back to mid" I think. But wait...
What's this? what did I do as a tank to deserve this kind of anger? Well, I made the grave mistake of angering the oh mighty Nayabilie by playing my class and using the ability "Guard" HEAVENS NO! I'VE PISSED HIM OFF! IT'S ALL OVER FOR ME!

(proceeds to score 3 more times while listening to Glynnia laugh as Nayabilie tries to pursue a vendetta and literally lets me walk by with the ball, letting me score AND get the immortal status in a huttball)

At the very end we were locked in what in his mind i'm sure was an epic battle between bad (me) vrs living god
I got REALLY lucky apparently when I used my resilience- (removes hostile forch/tech debuffs from you and makes you immune to them for 5 seconds) and not only escaped a fiery fate as he tried to bull rush me and knock me into the fire, but i got EVEN LUCKIER when I turned around and ninja kicked him into it myself.

Glynnia was kind enough to capture the text for me, as I had more pressing matters to attend to, like continuing to eat my mcdonalds chicken nuggets.

Nayabilie is a higher valor rank republic member

question of the day, why do faction members who are forced to play together and cooperate get so mad over a lovely game of huttball when they must fight eachother?

Stupid Sentinel Tricks

I'm going to share my secret to success* with some Sentinel tricks-of-the-trade. Here's a completely situational, ill-thought-out, and pretty much useless (I'm not projecting) trick:

How to obtain 30 stacks of Centering before each fight (leaving you to save Valorous Call).


1. Find environmental damage. In this case, a huge BBQ pit of books Glynnia threw away because she can't read.

2. DDIAF. Throw Rebuke up to lessen the pain as your skin is melted from your bones. Watch as your Centering slowly, painstakingly reaches 30 stacks.

3. Stop, drop, and roll. You have exactly 60 seconds to execute this step before your Centering is lost. If this occurs see step 6.

4. Choose Centering ability of choice. In this case I'll use Transcendence as I'll want that 50% run speed buff to face-pull mobs back to Bravo Leader Bheezem who has been afk for 45 mins. Sure it'll wipe everyone, but don't forget Sentinels believe in corporal punishment. Also, don't worry about the repair cost you'll incur; I personally took the time to melt down C2-N2 for spare parts. $CHA-CHING$.

5. Rinse and repeat.

6. /nerdrageuninstall


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The False Emperor [HM] Guide Video

00:06 Tregg The Destroyer
00:52 Jindo Krey
02:46 Prototype Droids
03:32 HK-47
04:58 Miniboss-Chondrus Barana
05:14 Sith Entity
07:39 Malgus

The fights are explained in detail within the video, however one thing to note about our video is we had a few glitches on certain fights such as the Jindo Krey and the final stealth phase of HK-47. Keeta also disconnected towards the start of the malgus fight and didn't make it back until the end.

Don't be discouraged if you have a hard time with this instance, it was our first hard mode ever, and back when we didn't have gear ended up spending 40k credits in repairs each getting through it.

 Results may vary, if you believe this video guide may not be right for you, consult your doctor about when and if you should take advice from welfaregamers, side effects may include mind numbing disbelief, sadness, shame, humilation, and ultimately failure. Other side effects may apply

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