
Silly (91) Story Time (49) SWtoR (39) GW2 (33) WoW (28) Guides (25) PvP (21) Tips (15) Review (14) Birthday Bash (12) F2P Series (11) Free Stuff (8) Diablo III (7) Rift (7)

Monday, December 31, 2012

Jumpin' in a Winter Wonderlaaaand~

I have to thank Bheez for motivating me to complete all the jump puzzle paths in the Wintersday Winter Wonderland Jump Puzzle in GW2 this holiday season. How did he do such a thing you might wonder?

Oh, by beating me to the finish line of the first two paths and rubbing it in my face. Repeatedly.

Since it is genetically impossible for me to sit by as Bheezem attempts to best me, instinct kicked in and I proceeded to destroy all those who would oppose me; be it Snowmen, Gingerbread men, ...or Quaggan. 

Click the link below to see if all was for naught!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

More GW2 Wintersday Event Madness

Oh boy, the Toypocalypse is upon us, whatever shall we do?

Well, if I were you, I would click the READ MORE link and follow the instructions contained within the page expansion VERY, VERY carefully.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

GW2 Wintersday Events!

Some of you may already be aware of the awesomeness of the first Guild Wars 2 Wintersday event ArenaNet has put together. But for those of you that have yet to check it out, fear not! They are keeping the candy train comin' until January 3rd.

And if you still can't bring yourself to log in while we're celebrating a white Wintersday you better have a damn good reason cause that just ain't right! Lucky for you I'm here though, otherwise you might not be able to locate any footage of the super festive mini-events you've been missing... since like only a million people play this game... or something.

Anyway! Click the "READ MORE" below to have your mind blown by my musical prowess! Mhmm, bet you didn't know I can rock out on bells.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A GW2 MS Paint Poem

Dedicated to Cuddwy Kwoo's negligent guild "leader".

Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Moon Guard + Guild Finder = Apocalypse

As it's obviously everyone's last hours here on Earth, I thought to grace you with WoW's Guild Finder feature. This was implemented back in patch 4.Idon'tcare and is the one tool I never truly delved into - until now.

What a gem I've been missing out on. Naturally Moon Guard is the server that presents many fantastic choices, and I find myself stumped as to which guild to join. Won't you help me decide?

Click below to reveal which guild I joined!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

FlagRSP 2012: Pandaria Edition

Today marks World of Warcraft's eight year anniversary. The only reason I know this is because Blizzard lovingly handwrote me a letter expressing how much they value me as a customer.

Some things will never change.

Like FlagRSP. 

FlagRSP is celebrating a milestone in its own right... considering people are still downloading the newest version for Mists of Pandaria. It is safe to say this add-on is more entertaining than the game itself, and I was morbidly curious if players were still using it for its intended purpose:

The verdict?

Click the link below to view the latest, greatest FlagRSPs!

Friday, November 16, 2012


Let's all gather around and have a moment of silence for the passing of an American Hero .

Ok moment over.

Today, friends, we all suffer a tremendous loss due to the closure of all the Hostess Brands factories shutting down. Like most things in America, you can blame the unions and mismanagement for this epic failure. Since you know, it's not like they weren't selling product... LOOK AT US.

Once we have properly mourned the passing of the legendary gamer fuel supplier we will have to dig deep to answer the burning question on everyone's mind; What do we do now?

Well, I guess there's always Mountain Dew and Doritos...

Click the READ MORE for a list of some of Hostess Brands most treasured treats that we shall forever miss. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday Freebie

Yay it's another Friday Freebie~ and I don't know anybody that doesn't like free stuff so don't you go changing that. OH RIGHT, the post...AHEM-

Have you ever thought of how great your life would be if you could just ride up a rainbow escaping the doldrums of your mundane existence and fly across a cloudy sky collecting stars as you go? No? Alright, me neither, but Whale Trail Frenzy might make you want to.

Click the link below to see if your technicolored dreams come true! (Bonus points if you can beat my high score!)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Our Mom Plays - World of Warcraft

Happy Halloween everyone! Remember the good old days of Trick or Treating (IRL)? Depending on your perspective, you might be in for a treat!

This is the first installment of a new series we like to call "Our Mom Plays". I think it's pretty self-explanatory, but seeing as how I'm long-winded, here's an explanation anyway. A while ago Shirley and I were able to convince our mom to create a trial account for World of Warcraft.

How might you ask?

Well, our mom loves the Sinister Squashling pet that is only obtainable during the Hallow's End world event and she could no longer resist the urge to have one of her very own so she set out with our help to attempt to visit all the candy buckets in Azeroth to collect enough Tricky Treats to buy one.

Click the "READ ME" to see how she did on her very first MMO jaunt! 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

How to World Vs. World - Guild Wars 2

Bheez and I have had some epic adventures in the past. This may (or may not be) one of them. The only way to find out is to see for yourself. And seeing as how you're here in first place, you probably have nothing better to do, so enjoy!

How to World Vs. World (A Silent Film) - part one presented by Team Vashj, aka the Cuddwy Kwoo [Ck] - after the break!
YEAH YOU HAVE TO CLICK THE LINK. Gawd, kids these days... so lazy.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

When Games Go Downhill

Yes, it's another World of Warcraft knock because I clearly haven't done that enough!
Bheez and I were minding our own business when we came across a familiar name while browsing through Vashj's PvP Ladder page...

Click the READ MORE for the big reveal!

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Day the Earth Stood Still

OH, is it Glynnia's birthday already? Well, to celebrate this day I'd like to offer the following re-used image:

So, what does a tragic picture of a bear watching a thatch roof house (with a poorly done MS Paint sign) burn have to do with anything? Everything! After coaxing numerous adjectives, nouns, verbs, etc. out of an oblivious (to the English language) Glynnia... a present was born.

Click the wrapping paper below to open zee gift!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Rampaging Bots!

So there I was, traversing courageously through the desolate frozen tundra that is Lornar's Pass in search of powerful Dwarven Relics that would aid the Priory in dealing with Zhaitan's corruption.

One step at a time I ascended the frosty peaks with my fearless companion, Sven, at my side. Together we would complete this crucial task and face whatever monstrosities fate threw in our path. With Sven I had faced the likes of Centaurs, Skelks, Ettins, Jotuns, and even invading nations in the Eternal Battlegrounds. Nothing could stand against our might.

Nothing that is... until we came across this:

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Memory Lane: Mattel® Blood Elf Paladins and FlagRSP

I thought it appropriate to graffiti the blog with more musings and ramblings from a simpler time. 

A time circa 2007 WoW where Glynnia and I created Belf Paladins for the soul purpose of twinking. Behold! Barbie (Bharbie) and Kelly (Kaelli) were created in all their overly-tanned/processed beauty.

We decided to level to 39 for maximum BG grieving (at the time), so we set forth into SilverCybermoon and beyond. 

Pffft, getting to level 39 would be simple.



Click below to witness the destructive power of the world's most abused gaming add-on.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mists of Pandaria: A Haiku

Has it already been a week since Blizzard's latest x-pac launched? Oh, well I guess it has been. Time just flew! You know, cause I've been so busy playing... Guild Wars 2. Now, that isn't to say I haven't played MoP. I have. Enough to be able gift you with this beautiful pseudo-haiku.

Close your eyes and prepare to be transported across a moonlit sea (that one's for you Sel).


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

When Games Go Downhill

Blizzard's newest World of Warcraft expansion, "Mists of Pandaria", goes live today and it only seemed appropriate to include this news under the post title's label since this blog wasn't around for the launch of Cataclysm.  Not saying Wrath was a fantastic xpac, but it sure looks that way in comparison.

Behold; Pandas... and mists!

Oh who am I fooling? I'm sure I'm gonna end up playing this at some point. 

xoxo ~glynnia

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Team Vashj!

So, I was hangin out in front of Stormwind the other day, watching some Horde trying to kill the newly revamped lvl 90 guards and getting 2 shotted, when I remembered to tell my new friend Mr. Twilight Drake that Team Vashj MIGHT be getting back together for October for the Halloween world event...needless to say he was UBER excited!

Friday, September 14, 2012

GW2 Dance Dance Revolution: Yak's Bend Style

I was strolling (and by strolling I mean running; I was too broke to afford a teleport) through the Human city of Divinity's Reach looking for a place to squat for the night when I happened upon two Humans and a Norn white girl dancing their blues away.

Having all of 17 copper to my name, I decided to put on my ill-fitting red shoes and dance the blues as well. 


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Feliz CumpleaƱos!

It's the one time of year at the Zoobuck's household (that's Bheezem's bachlor pad for those of you not "in the know") that all the minions get to eat, drink, and be merry while going about their usual task of inflating Bheez' ego to frighteningly large proportions*. The rest of the year they don't get to eat, drink, or be merry while doing so.

What is this momentous occasion you might ask? Why, you should know lest you have the sense beat into you by the Warlock himself!

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, IT IS YOUR SPECIAL DAY! Aaaaaaaand I don't know the rest. But I bet I know a group of furries that might!

Happy Birthday from your most loyal companions. 
Oh, and also from Team Vashj!

*Fun Fact: Humans are about 70% water whereas Bheez is actually 70% ego.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Return to WoW...sorta

Well, there you have it. I went crawling back to WoW becuz I have no morals or understanding of GOOD gaming...rofl. But no, I'm uber excited for MoP simply for the fact that these Pandas are FREAKIN ADORABLE! /giggle Anywhooooo, I promised the crew I would record my return...wellllll this ISN'T it...hehe :D

I do however have a video for your enjoyment! Let me first introduce you to Weldog. Weldog is a mage, like me only not as ridiculously good looking as me (anyone get that movie reference? You'll get brownie points if you know it!) Weldog LOVES PvP! He's pretty damn good at it and if you ever get the chance to hear him BG in a skype call, it's pretty gut busting funny! Anywhoooo, when I returned to WoW, Weldog had just come back too! He decided to make a video of his return as well and fraps some arenas, BGs, and what not. But of course not before letting yours truly make a cameo! Soooo, sit back, get your popcorn, and enjoy the movie! (By the way, my main is Akitta, trust me, you'll see me) :D

Oh and one more thing, >.> this is all Weldog's fault Jeetle...soooooo I'M INNOCENT! :)
(oh and another thing, my cameo officially ends after 3 mins or so.)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday Freebie

Taking a short break from GW2 with today's post! Don't worry, it won't last.

As anybody that lives within a Skype call of me can attest, I am addicted to gaming phone apps. I really enjoy pouring time into turret defense and strategy style games with the occasional "jumper" thrown in the mix to keep things fresh (I'm looking at you Unicorn Dash). Pair that with my love for dragons and that, my friends, is the recipe for prescription glasses...which I'm going to need after playing through this Friday's Freebie two-fer offering!


Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Gummi Bears (Krewe) do World vs World

I recorded some World vs World to show people what it looks like with the AMD Radeon HD 6670 (aka the only graphics card in the world that perpetually takes a **** while playing). I get between 1 to 3 FPS while even when I'm not participating in anything that would be considered "graphically intense". Oh, and before you start pointing out all the trees- just know that I'm playing on the lowest possible graphics settings before the game starts looking like an 8 bit arcader from the 80's.

And yes, this song was completely appropriate since Shirley and I are the Gummi Bear Krewe... she always wanted to be a furry.

Feel my pain!

xoxo ~glynnia

Friday, August 31, 2012

101 Ways to Defeat King Jeric: no. 9-12

It's been nearly an entire week since the pre-launch of GW2, and while I've been throwing faulty grenades willy-nilly like a good little Asura Engineer, I have not forgotten my duty to bring to light the latest "tragic" mishappenings of King Jeric.

You know, King Jeric... The Saviour of the Alliance? The Leader of the Wild Hog Biker Gang? World of Borecraft's MVP for most Hogger deaths? 

No? Click below for a refresher course in the continuing 101 Ways series!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

GW2 Vistas and Puzzles!

It has been nearly four days since Guild Wars 2 has launched and I'm having such a great time exploring the world of Tyria that I put together some clips of my Vista Exploti-eer, Vista Viewing Adventures.

While in Lion's Arch one day, going about my business of attempting to 100% the map, I happened upon a super secret cave opening...One thing led to another and I soon found myself knee-deep in pirate's booty with Shirley hot on my tail.

Watch the video to see what we were up to!

Check out my channel for more videos of this nature and other unnecessary nonsense.

xoxo ~glynnia

Saturday, August 25, 2012

GW2 First Impressions and Vistas!

My first impressions of the Guild Wars 2 launch have been really good. They brought the servers up three hours prior to the "official" preplay scheduled time and I had no problem picking my server or creating my character! Already winning in my book.  Even the lag was pretty minimal given the amount of bodies populating the zones (dead or otherwise). One of the smoothest launches I've participated in, eva!

Now, that isn't to say there haven't been hiccups, but what launch would be complete without them?

CLICK THE LINK FOR THE CURE TO HICCUPS! Ok, not really, it's just more text and a video... but still, click the link!

Friday, August 24, 2012

GW2 Update!

If you've been living under a rock for the past week, then perhaps you haven't heard...

ArenaNet has announced the possibility of bringing up their game servers 3 hours in advance of their highly anticipated midnight launch! This news sprang from the realization that they will most likely need to do this to cope with the inevitable login-attempt-meltdown they will face when the clock strikes 12. Our countdown timer is sync'd to the early-preplay login attempt spam time, because we care!

So you've got a few hours left to get your shit in order. Get to the grocery store, stock up on edible provisions and caffeine, take care of your social obligations, brainstorm on all the character names you want to reserve, oh, and don't forget to make your bed (lookin' at you sheetless-bed sleepers.../cringe).

Using common sense:
ArenaNet: 1     Blizzard: 0

xoxo ~glynnia

F2P Series - Smite (Beta)

With this post we will be concluding our F2P series for the indefinite future as Guild Wars 2 is launching in a matter of hours(!) and we suspect the blog will become saturated with offerings of useless information and ridiculous hijinks focused on the lands of Tyria... that is until we reach burnout and/or inevitable disappointment!

With that said, Bheez and I were lucky enough to be able to experience Smite in its "closed beta" for the past couple of weeks (along with the other 500 thousand people that applied for a free beta key). Smite is the love child that you'd get if a MOBA and MMORPG stayed in while listening to some Teddy Pendergrass. In fact, why don't you go ahead and click on over to that link to set the mood for this post.

If you like the above mentioned game genres then it's very likely you'll like Smite. Unless you can't stand ancient lore and culture references, or monkeys, then you won't like it at all. Smite pits some of history's most badace gods against one another with a MOBA style flow but changes things up by using a 3rd person perspective- giving it a battleground feel. As our friend Hooch once put it, "It's like a 30 minute MMO". Indeed it is.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Remembering Rift: "/SPALT" Edition

The little entry that could (and failed; take a lesson kids: don't try to be... 'creative'):



</3 Shirley

Remembering Rift

Once upon a time I played Rift. Yes, I know, it's practically WoW but with tentacles and shinies. No, your judgmental looks can't shame me into not playing it because the milk has already been spilled and in any case I freely admit I played the heck outta WoW too, which may just be the greater of the two evils. Look, I was young and reckless and hooked by RP then PvP then PvE... Then I met this Warlock... and that's another story for another time (perhaps)!

Well, back to the point (assuming I had one)! Bheez, Shirely, and I played Rift for about six months when it first came out and around that time Trion decided to throw a "Half Birthday" bash in honor of making it to such a milestone. There was confetti, and cake, and games and they even sweetened the pot by holding a screencap contest with the winner getting a brand-spankin' new computer! I think you see where this is going. We ARE Welfare Gamers after all.

Needless to say we didn't win, even though I still feel we blew the competition out of the water (literally in Bheez' case), and Shirley's entry will go down in Rift typo history with her now legendary submission of a misspelled "SPLAT"- it turned out to be a fan favorite. Sadly, her entry was lost to time and the hard-drive reaper that eventually calls to us all.

Without further adieu, here are the entries we managed to salvage from the wreckage, just for you! 

Bheez just HAD to be nekkie:

Glynnia needed more glowstix:

Aaand, a .gif tribute to Shirley's fan favorite- CLICK DA LINK!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

F2P Series - DC Universe Online

DC Universe Online; home to the superhero and (super)villains of yesteryear... yesteryear being January of 2011 when DCUO launched as a subscription based game. They say the first year is always the hardest and in this game's case it would seem the first 11 months were so rough it couldn't even make it to its first anniversary before succumbing to the F2P game model in November.

Well, DC Universe, you have my attention now!

I remember hearing about this game but never really looking into it because, well, let's be honest (since I'm normally not with you)... I'm just not into spandex and face paint. I'm MUCH more into swords, spells, 'n face paint. Seeing as how Bheez has a flare for the dramatic this game was right up his alley, and mine too since I signed on to do this review series. And you know what? If I have to suffer then everybody does. That's why I invited Shirley to guest review on this installment of the F2P Series!


Dance Dance MMO (DDM)

xoxo ~glynnia

Monday, August 20, 2012

101 Ways to Defeat King Jeric: no. 5-8

The latest installment from the 101 Ways series, featuring The King of the North Alliance, Jeric.

As always, I'm functional illiterate friendly, therefore bask in the wonders of MS paint.


Sunday, August 19, 2012

101 Ways: A New Series!

Has there ever been that special someone on your server that deserves extra attention... you know, that one person who makes you laugh, cry (tears of utter lols), and choke on a bottle of [INSERT GAMER FUEL HERE] as you laugh and cry at the same time?

Let me take you on a picture book inspired journey as you discover the man behind the King of the Alliance:

Click below for no. 1-4 in this ongoing series!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

World of Warcraft and FlagRSP II

It's that time again to take a trip down memory lane circa 2006 World of Warcraft. 

And you know what that means.


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cute Things Exploding: Dragon Nest Edition

Sorry for the crappy quality... but as Shirley likes to say, we wouldn't be Welfare Gamers without it!

Inspiration for this edition of "Cute Things Exploding" brought to you by: Nyan Cat


Saturday, July 28, 2012

When Games Go Downhill

Brought to you by the letter "S" for Shi--Star Wars the Old Repubilc.
Remember watching this and thinking the game was going to be SO amazing? Yeah, me too.


Friday, July 27, 2012

Most Wanted KoS List: Rift PvP


Mickey Mouse Dwarf Warrior (me) VS. Stranger Danger Eth Mage (Owleater)

History: Rift, 2011. Owleater was one of our most beloved grievers. He'd stalwartly camp Gloamwood and attempt to pick off lowbie level 20s, but when things got heated he'd run and call for more level 50 reinforcements. Perhaps the most memorable thing about our dear Owleater was the way he'd stand there mid-fight and smack talk as you wailed on him. He couldn't fight and taunt at the same time, so he opted for the latter. He managed to press enter just as he dropped dead. Everytime.


Tactics: Used his own tactics against him in hopes he'd be befuddled, aka: be as cheap as possible and engage him while he's in the unawares of underwater combat at 94% HP, hoping if I didn't finish him off he'd end up drowning. 

Rules: In order to collect my reward for this bounty I was not allowed to use any interrupts apparently. Also, once in melee range I was not allowed to move from my spot. There was no time to trash talk mid-fight... a regret I must live with for the rest of my Rift PvP 'career'.

Doesn't matter. Still collected Big LOLs.



Just like ridin' a bike...

Yeah, I still got it.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Eulogy to Kyre, Glynnia's Dead Poochum

SO I WROTE A EULOGY OF GLYNNIA'S DECEASED POOCHUM. BECAUSE EVEN THO I NEVER GOT ALONG WITH IT, IT DID MAKE GLYNNIA HAPPY WHICH IS IMPORTANT TO ME. AHEM- ANYWAYS-I never knew poochum very well, most of the time I saw him was me staring at his disproportionate butt, as he waddled ahead of me stealing all my shinies. I never really saw in him what Glynnia saw, and even though he couldn't balance anything on said disproportionate butt, Glynnia still loved him, so I guess I can say a few nice words about him. He was a brave poochum,even though he was way whimpier than my atrium poochum. He fought in battle along side me, aka yelping and yipping as I took hit after hit from monsters and he watched acting like he was actually a part of the fight. I'll never know why you were so special, especially considering that Glynnia let you touch her shinies(she would never let me do that). But for what its worth im glad Glynnia found you for a little while, its always nice when she is smiling. Even if its at my demise. Farewell dear poochum, may you eternally but scoot in poochum heaven

Time Heals All

xoxo ~glynnia

Love at First Sight

This is a tale of love at first sight... and unavoidable, inconsolable woe. So grab your tissue and possibly a snack cause this might take a while.

One beautiful bright sunny day in Cadderock Pass I was hanging around the busy plaza reading my picture book and minding my own business when the sound of beautiful delicate bells chiming filled my headset... "Mail for me?! Now, who would be sending me anything?" I pondered excitedly as I quickly jumped up from my place of rest in the middle of the bridge and ran to the nearest mailbox. Upon peeking into that black abyss I soon discovered a small box had been left for me. It appeared most ordinary upon first sight, but as I removed it I noticed there were several small holes poked into the top and a wet spot on the bottom which momentarily distracted me from the faint growling sound emanating from within. As I caught a whiff of what was inside I knew it could only be one thing! With much haste I opened the box to find one of the world's most beautiful creations contained inside...

To get to the good part click below! (Satisfaction not guaranteed.)

GW2 BW3 Tournament finale games/BW event HUNGER GAMES

The first video is of vampd, hooch, and myself playing with 2 pugs in our 3rd round against a guild premade in one of our BWE tournaments

The second is of vampd, hooch, kawaiiiii(glynnia) and myself playing with 1 pug in our 3rd round against a guild premade in one of our BWE tournaments

And last but not least is the beta weekend event finale taking after the movie THE HUNGER GAMES! I didnt do so well, but Glynnia managed to make it until the timer ended congrats Glynnia!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Who's Rapping? Dovahkiin!

As most of you know, I waste a good portion of my day browsing YouTube... Well this was too good not to share and if you've played Skyrim you will appreciate this man's lyrical genius. And yes, I may have looped the Epic Rap like 200 times the other day...

Check Dan Bull out on YouTube for more ridiculously entertaining game raps!

You're welcome =)

xoxo ~glynnia

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Memory Lane: WoW and FlagRSP

2006: An infamous year for World of Warcraft. Even though WoW was still in its infancy (aka: Vanilla) and semi-respectable, leave it to some sadist to create the ultimate Mary-Sue-inducing add-on: FlagRSP. 

Oh, it started out innocently enough. FlagRSP would allow you to set a title, they said. It would allow you to use your first name and create a last name, they said. Write a description about your character's physical appearance, they said. You could even read cross faction profiles, they said.

No where did they mention the 4628962 Night Elves who downloaded FlagRSP would leave me and my poor little Undead scarred 'til this day. Six. Years. Later.  (It only got worse in 2007 with the launch of BC and those other running skeletons called Blood Elves.)



Friday, July 20, 2012

And so, a hero was born...

Once upon a time there lived a shiny hunter and her loyal pet bear...

CLICK THE LINK TO FINISH THE STORY!  (cause you clearly have nothing better to do)


xoxo ~glynnia

CHALLENGE*: Asura vs Sylvari

The last two GW2 races are available to play for the final BWE, so you know what that means: spending hours in the creation screen coming up with an extremely aesthetically pleasing character model. 

Since there's no "random" button, I had to meticulously go through numerous slider bars and color choices to come up with what I deem "The Standard" ...of perfection.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Saw it, and had to :)

Sooooo, seeing how I have nothing better to do with my time these days, since I have no means of a computer atm, I came across this Yahoo! story and thought, what the hey, I haven't posted anything on the blog in for-FREAKING-ever, soooo why not post a blog about gamers meeting in real life. Awww *stares at certain people* lol! Love you guys! Miss you more! (well except for maybe bheezle bum, hahahaha)
Halo Couple meets in real life

Sunday, July 1, 2012

GW2: 59 Days and Counting...

...Until I can be reunited with Sven the Bear, a master chef who baked my furry Charr delicious bear claw pastries and tore Bheezem's pet frog Kermit to shreds in a sugar-induced rampage.

<3 Shirley

Saturday, June 23, 2012

F2P Series - Dragon Nest

So it was only a couple days into our stint with DDO when Bheez kept shoving this F2P down my throat. He was so excited about it that he started it without me... which royally pissed me off. So naturally I jumped on installing it and getting started myself without telling him. Because, yes, it IS a pissing contest. Always (and forever~).

My initial opinion was that I wouldn't like this game because firstly it's made by a Korean company (too many bad experiences), and secondly it is done in the typical anime-ish style that just doesn't do it for me (again, too many bad experiences). However, coming fresh off of playing DDO I figured it couldn't get more annoying so I dove in, and surprisingly didn't regret it.

READ MORE OF MY HATE OF ALL THINGS AZN AFTER THE JUMP! Ok not all things... I like the food... and also the cute little things they make to hold other cute little things in... and the shrimp flavored candy...and the engrish stationary... andandand-

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hello Kitty Island Slaughter

Hi there, taking a break from the F2P series, I have a video of our group playing Diablo 3 quite some time ago that I never uploaded. As you can see, we have infiltrated the gates of awesome and joy, and have seen firsthand what the afterlife holds for all of us when we die, even Inferno Belial may be able to one day live in such a blissful place.

Monday, June 18, 2012

F2P Series - Dungeons & Dragons Online

Ah Dungeons & Dragons! Arguably one of the most popular war-gaming franchises to date, steeped in history (hey, it's from the 70's so it's practically, like, ancient /side-eye) and controversy (who can forget the religious propaganda claiming it was the gateway to hell!) even in this modern day. One of my first experiences with the game was in college when I was visiting a friend, she introduced to me to her circle of peeps (mmm peeps) that just so happened to be playing the table top game.  I watched for a while and thought it seemed kinda neat, if you're into LARPing, which I'm not. ANYWAY. Later on a co-worker of mine mentioned he played the table top as well and then got me into painting minis. It was a phase, don't judge me!

In short: I've never played the game!  

So, when Bheez and I sat down to figure out what we were gonna do with ourselves over the next several weeks until GW2 goes live he threw out the names of a bunch of F2P games we should explore. And, naturally, being familiar-ish with the D&D brand I decided it would be a good place to start.