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Sunday, October 21, 2012

When Games Go Downhill

Yes, it's another World of Warcraft knock because I clearly haven't done that enough!
Bheez and I were minding our own business when we came across a familiar name while browsing through Vashj's PvP Ladder page...

Click the READ MORE for the big reveal!

And there she was...

Shirley's one man team reppin' for Team Vashj at rank 114, tied with like 100 other teams at an impressive 0 rating... one mediocre win at a time, amirite?!

xoxo ~glynnia


  1. LOL

    Imagine if there were two other members.

    I can't single-handedly fend off 100+ teams for prestigious rank #114 forever.

  2. Oh WoW Shirley....congratulations on that #114 ranking!! Waaay cool =) You go girl!! All that trick-or-treating and dousing the Wicker Man really paid off. Sinister Squashling is uber-stolz to be at your side bwahahahaha!!!
