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Sunday, November 18, 2012

FlagRSP 2012: Pandaria Edition

Today marks World of Warcraft's eight year anniversary. The only reason I know this is because Blizzard lovingly handwrote me a letter expressing how much they value me as a customer.

Some things will never change.

Like FlagRSP. 

FlagRSP is celebrating a milestone in its own right... considering people are still downloading the newest version for Mists of Pandaria. It is safe to say this add-on is more entertaining than the game itself, and I was morbidly curious if players were still using it for its intended purpose:

The verdict?

Click the link below to view the latest, greatest FlagRSPs!

Underlined are some of the highlights. Just some.




  1. Holy smokes, "Captain lack the Bloodfang"! Ridcully, is that you?? ROFL.

    Wowie, honestly. It's just as much a hot mess as I remember it. Pretty sure any of these people could be the next big thing considering Stephanie Myers made it and she's got half the talent (and vocabulary) that these people do.

    And I was actually gonna make a post today about the letter we got for the 8th year anniversary with the same stupid text and "gift" we got last year... Even though we've moved onto the pandas story line we're still talkin' about Deathwing! Wellp, now I don't have to waste (more of) my time. THANKS BATCH.

    1. He could have been "Captain Bob the Bloodfang", but no. Captain Jack.

      No doubt they give Stephanie Myers a run for her money, seeing as they have limited amount of space (or do they...) to write their novel in and no editors.

      Still disappointed I didn't run into any Succubi this time around. Oh well, guess the half-Orc/half-Human/now-Undead will have to settle. :(
