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Monday, October 14, 2013

'Cos Tonight We're Gonna Party Like It's...

 /stops Prince music

Well, well, well! I hope ya'll brought your best purple velvet-crush attire to today's special celebration: Glynnia's batchin' birthday bash! Speaking of bashing...

Let's get this party started! Click below for your party hat!

Ready the popcorn as Kitty proudly presents: 

Shirley wasted no time in MS Paint:

And finally, Bheezem puts his mighty quill to the test:

The Companion Mother

            Volarx walked down the dark and poorly lit hallway, cringing at the shadiness of his business. “I am a respected and reputable businessman…I know I’m making the right decision.” He murmured to himself as made a left at the end of the hall bringing him face to face with an ancient looking door. Volarx slowly eased the door open, “here goes nothing” the tauren sighed as he made his way into the room. The room was dim and poorly lit, except for the reflecting light that gave the room an eerie glow. The light was being reflected off of the walls which were…plastered with gold and other miscellaneous shinies? No… can it be? A profitable market I haven’t tapped? Volarx thought to himself as he stood straight upon seeing a hooded figure walk into the room. The companion mother had come.
            “Mother…” the tauren said kneeling before her. “I require your aid once more, and I am but of course willing to pay with a healthy incentive…” There were two sacks tied to his waist, one jingled with the vast amount of gold he carried inside of it, the other seemed to be moving and kicking. The woman nodded and slowly removed her hood, revealing none other than… “WELCOME TO CRAAAAAZY GLYNNIA’S PET EMPOWERMENT EMPORIUM!” Glynnia shouted as she pulled a light switch illuminating the room in her vast horde of wealth. Volarx blinked, clearly having trouble seeing in the newly illuminated room. “Yeah…uh this one, yes, I need this pet to become stronger, so that I may crush the competition in the pet arenas.” He handed the pet over to Glynnia who observed it. “Ah yes…yes…another vengeful porcupette, I am very fond of these. I once knew someone who asked what you ask of me now without letting me keep it. He and I are no longer on such friendly terms.” A shout rang out from the back of the shop “SCREW YOU GLYNNIA IT WAS MINE FIRST.” Glynnia responded in kind with a courteous “NO SCREW YOU ASSHOLE” She gave a slight cough to excuse herself in front of her guest. “Ahhh…yes it will be as you wish Mr. Volarx be sure to return this time next week and your property shall be returned.” Volarx nodded and handed over the sack of coins. “As you say companion mother.”

            Glynnia rang a bell and waited for a moment. When no one came she turned into her shop once more and began to search for her two companions and her useless “master” whom she had emancipated herself from years ago. She found a note on Bheezem’s desk, “OUT ARENAING, BBL IF I DON’T GET MY THROAT CUT, MUCH LOVE AND HAPPY BURFDAY. CHOCOLATE’S IN THE FRIDGE-Bheez” She huffed. Figures, he’s here 5 minutes then leaves right when Vol leaves. Sometimes I think THEY’RE the couple. At least he left me life sustaining chocolate… “Now if only I could find Kitty and that useless twat… oh well sometimes I GUESS you have to do your own business without slaves. Come little porcupine, this week, we make you into a champion.”

            Days passed as Glynnia turned the little porcupine into a “fine specimen” pitting it in vicious battles against the most fierce pets Azeroth had to offer. And by pitting it in vicious battles, she meant having the porcupine watch as her cockroaches called giant meteors from the sky and obliterated into troups of enemy combatants at once. “You have done well thus far porcupine, granted, I am the companion mother and my services are renowned far and wide for a reason. And no, its not JUST pet battling, I also happen to have a thriving and successful business in this place called Telara called CraAAAA-never mind, long story” She hoisted in the porcupine up into the air in a pose that some azerothians called, “The Lion King”. “TODAY, WE TAKE YOU TO THE PET BATTLE TOURNAMENTS!” Glynnia cried out as she put her tamer hat on and hurried towards the tournament grounds. Once there, questions she had been wondering for some time were answered. It was here, that she found her USELESS CREW, PET BATTLING! All three of her subordinates made eye contact with her at once and were clearly embarrassed. “LOOK ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE BATCH” Sel said protectively holding her animals Snuggles and Albi. “THEY DRAGGED ME ALONG JEETIE” cried Kitty as she snuggled her cinder kitten Ginger. “I WANT TO BE THE VERY BEST GLYNNIA! THE VERY BEST!” Bheezem cried out egging his vicious vengeful pet porcupine into a frenzy. Glynnia sighed with a sage nod and bowed her head. “So this…this is how you repay me…on my birthday…HOW DARE YOU STEAL AWAY POTENTIAL MONEY FROM MY HANDS, THIS TOURNAMENT VICTORY SHALL BE MINE, AS WELL AS ITS REWARD, THIS PORCUPETTE WILL DEFEAT YOU ALL AND WITH IT’S MONEY I SHALL THROW MYSELF THE BIGGER BIRTHDAY BASH EVER!” The porcupette she was holding sniffed, clearly a sign of agreeance. “You ship jumpers better take your place, the tournaments about to begin and I wouldn’t want you to be late for your dispension of JUST KARMA!”

            The first traitorous cur who Glynnia was matched against was none other than Bheezem, the wanna be pet gladiator. “OFF TO DO ARENA HUH, NOT ONLY DO YOU LEAVE ME ALONE ON MY HAPPY BURFDAY, BUT YOU LIE ABOUT WHERE YOU’RE GOING”. Bheezem’s face turned red. “ITS NOT MY FAULT, IF I TOLD YOU I WAS GOING TO GO PET BATTLE YOU WOULD HAVE JUST TOLD ME IM A BAD TRAINER AND NOT TO BOTHER!” Glynnia laughed and nodded a sage nod. “Indeed I would have grasshopper, now…it is time to crush the traitors, COME VENGEFUL PORCUPETTE TIME TO PUT YOUR COUSIN AND THIS IMITATION TRAINER IN HIS PLACE!”  A fierce battle ensued, porcupettes trading blows while trainers traded insults. In the end however, challenger trainer Bheezem was no match for the seasoned experience of the companion mother. As Bheezem slinked away in defeat promising revenge (and a happy byurfday party later at Crazy Glynnia’s) the next challenger stepped forward. Kitty, with her kitty… ginger. “I don’t want to fight you kitty! But I must! GRANPAPPY VOLARX PROMISED ME A LOT OF MONEY IF I MAKE THIS PET INTO A CHAMPION!” Kitty laughed as she stepped up to the battle podium. “Don’t worry jeetie, I only wanted to compete to beat out pyrio, he’s always so uptight about winning it would have done him good to lose. Lets have a good pyet battle!” Glynnia nodded and this time the battle was much more civil, with laughs, compliments, and friendly banter. As Kitty’s cinder kitten rolled on her back mewing submitting defeat, Kitty went over and congratulated Glynnia.

            Hey Jeetie, I’ve got a birthday present for you. Since your last opponent is Sel you may want to hear this little secret…” Kitty leaned in and whispered into Glynnia’s ears as Glynnia’s eyes lit up much like the shiny horde she kept at her shop. Finally,  her final opponent Sel stepped up to the battle arena. “OH. HI MARK” The undead said with a snicker. “YOU DIDN’T EVEN REMEMBER MY BIRTHDAY YOU DUMB TWAT” Glynnia yelled at her. “Relax batch, we’re all going to get pizza when we get out of here, we even got you a funfetti cake. But for now you’re going to get a dish of humility for your birthday. For none can defeat ALBI THE RACIST DRA-RAT. DEFINITELY RAT.” As the battle ensued both trainers worked up a sweat, neither finding a hole in the other’s defenses, until both pets were past exhaustion. It was then that Glynnia hollered in triumph. “HAH you have activated my trap card! She threw a handful of cheerios onto the battle arena and Albi’s eyes opened wide with delight as she leapt forward opening herself to attack from Glynnia’s trainee porcupette. “GO PORCUPETTE ATTACK!” as the porcupette rolled forward Sel tried to scream for Albi to dodge, but it was too late. The pets collided with Albi coming out with the short stick, and since Albi was unable to battle, the match was over. The tournament belonged to Glynnia. “THAT’S RIGHT, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!” Glynnia shouted as she did a heelclick in mid air. As Bheezem and Sel walked up to Glynnia and congratulated her while grumbling, Kitty rounded everyone up. “TIME FOR PIZZA AND CAKE!” She exclaimed. “Yeah whatever” Grumbled Sel, “HERE JEET YOU KNOW I ONLY BATTLE FOR PINK SLIPS I GUESS YOU CAN HAVE THIS FURRBALL AS A TOKEN OVER YOUR VICTORY” Glynnia’s mood brightened to a pristine shine as she stuffed the plunder into her inventory.

            Back at the shop, the godfather payed his respects, and dues…to the companion mother as everyone was celebrating and took his leave. “I’M RICH! Exclaimed Bheezem” Glynnia frowned. “What makes you think that you greedy little kfed, the only thing you’ll be getting from this money is an ass whoopin from a sack of shinies if you keep it up.” “yeah yeah” Bheezem shrugged it off in his non chalant goblin accent. Glynnia raised the giant goblet of shinies in the air and called for a toast. “TO MY HORDE OF TREASURES AND US LADIES, FOREVER SHINY AND FOREVER TOGETHER!” She paused for a moment. “I guess Bheezem is ok too.” And with that the group dug into the cake, and all was well. For Glynnia’s treasure pile was large, and that was what mattered.

 Happy Birthday Glynnia!!! 
<3 Team Vashj

1 comment:


    Oh, don't mind the post date being the 14th, it just means your greedy ace gets two days to call your bufday.

