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Monday, August 26, 2013

So You Want to Become a WoW Zookeeper?

I've ruined countless gnome skin boots in Stranglethorn Vale waiting for it to rain so a Baby Ape will spawn. I've developed a chronic cough from all the sand in my lungs loitering in Tanaris for Silithid Hatchlings to unburrow during a sandstorm. I've set up camp for days under hostile circumstances in Arathi Highlands waiting for a Tiny Twister to show its face while Refuge Point guards try to sabotage my efforts.

All this and I thought I was prepared, but nothing could prepare me for these words:

"Winter starts November 1st to the last day of February."

Now, you're probably wondering what this means. Well, sit back, relax, and discover the true meaning of life as I guide you through what was meant to be [Sponge Bob Voice] THE BE~ST DA~Y EVVVVV~ERRRRR!

Click below to start the picture book, because most of us can't read. /STARES AT GLYNNIA

The End.

<Zookeeper> Shirley


  1. rooofl YES, YES! This is how I feel... I gave up when I saw that the Snowy Owl only spawns in Winter... /checks calendar

    I'll be DEAD by then!

    PS- I love story time.

  2. Rooooofl! Dear god, it's like Dragonvale! WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO WAIT TO GET WHAT I WANT?! Well, this is how that makes me feel...
