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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Pet Battles: The Darkmoon Faire!

It's that time of the month again! If your mind didn't automatically think of the Darkmoon Faire then you obviously haven't been hanging around us long enough.

Come join me in taking down that pompous top-hat Jeremy Feasel on the faire grounds. As Horde you can take the portal located just outside Thunderbluff. But if you're Alliance you can just [EXPLETIVE REMOVED]. JUST KIDDING! I'm pretty sure the portal for Alliance is located in good old Goldshire, just outside of Stormwind.

Don't let this guy's top-hat fool you, there is nothing civilized about his choice of battle pets. Eyes and Tanks and Monkeys, oh my! If you've followed my Wild Pandaria mini-series you are probably the proud owner of your very own tiny elemental, which is going to come in handy for this encounter. If you haven't, well that's why I include a pet alternatives section!

My Lineup:
Death's Head Cockroach using Flank, Survival, Apocalypse 
Pandaren Fire Spirit using Burn, Immolate, Conflagrate
Emerald Proto-Whelp using Breath, Ancient Blessing, Proto-Strike

Jeremy Feasel will open with a magical pet (Judgement) then move on to a mechanical (Honky-Tonk) and round out the fight with a beasty (Fezwick).

My Strat:
  1. Open with the Death's Head Cockroach 
  2. Cast Apocalypse (third slot ability)
  3. Switch to the Emerald Proto-Whelp
  4. Cast Breath (first slot ability) until your HP is at a deficit of approximately 500 points then cast Ancient Blessing (second slot), rinse and repeat until Judgement is defeated
  5. Use the Pandaren Fire Spirit (or an elemental alternative) against Honky-Tonk
  6. Cast Immolate (second slot)
  7. Cast Conflagrate (third slot) until the Immolate DoT falls off then recast it and follow up with Conflagrate until Honky-Tonk is down
  8. If your elemental pet is still alive and you have more than one round until Apocalypse activates keep it out until it dies or you have 1 to 2 rounds until Apocalypse lands
  9. Pull out your Death's Head Cockroach to absorb the Apocalypse and enjoy your win!

Pet Acquisition:
  • Death's Head Cockroach (levels 22 -23) can be found in Mount Hyjal on Kalimdor. Good places to check are Ascendant's Rise and south of the Shrine of Goldrinn. 
  • The Pandaren Fire Spirit (level 1) can be obtained as a reward for the completion of the quest "Pandaren Spirit Tamer" or as a random drop from a Pandaren Spirit Pet Supplies bag upon completion of the pet battle daily that is unlocked once you complete "Pandaren Spirit Tamer". This is a cage-able pet which means you can also find it on the Auction House, prices vary per server.
  • Emerald Proto-Whelps (levels 21 - 22) can be found in the Savage Thicket in the northern part of Sholazar Basin in Northrend.

Pet Alternatives:

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xoxo ~glynnia

1 comment:

  1. GOOD GUIDE ACE. I reaaaaaalllly need to level up my Pandaren Spirit pets! I had used Dark Phoenix Hatchling as an alternative but I got a bit unlucky and couldn't get Dark Rebirth off before Fezwick went (literally) ape shat on me.

    My go-to line-up for this is Celestial Dragon, Lil Big Bad, and Kun-Lai Runt. Fingers crossed we get the Darkmoon Eye pet one these days (/YEARS).
