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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Team Vashj PvP

That's right! Team Vashj was seen running around World of Warcraft PvPing! It's amazing, I know! And we did pretty dang good! Check out the fun little video of some of our antics!
Click Me!


  1. The special thanks made me LOL... This makes me miss our late night PvP antics... forget leveling let's get back to the fun stuff!!

  2. LOL Kitty, I <3s it (no bias)! For once I agree with Glynnia (WHICH WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN)- more late-night chocolate/McDonald's/Starbucks/Girl Scout Cookie-infused PvP! :D

  3. Heck yeah! I'm putting in my order for 2 McFlurries and some choco right nows!
