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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Happy Birthday Blog!

Yay it's our birthday day and we're 1 whole year old! We're so mature and responsible for our age... >.>

Anywhoooo, here is a short compile of some of our recent triumphs and follies!

Thanks so much for makin our little blog even remotely "popular"! <3


  1. AWWWWW, so cute Kitty, I <3s it!

    LOL @ Bheeze's "Get low, get low, get low!". SUCH A MANLY NORN. And the ending credits, HAHA!

  2. LMAO! I looove it... special thanks and everything I feel so special! I cracked up that you were recording our adventure in that instance where I got to be a superhero. CHEERS TO OUR FIRST!

  3. you were missing the dialogue to that instance pull, it went something like this, "THIS IS PINK LEADER COMMANDING NAKED GLYNNIA TO PULL"
    Glynnia:OKAY GOT IT!

    Pink Leader: "PULL!" /CHARGES WEAPONS

    Glynnia: "AFK"

  4. Oh trust me, that all almost went in, had I not been sleep deprived and irritated that I couldn't figure out a simple way to just play those certain areas lol. I'll definitely be using it at some point though, don't you worry.
