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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cute Things Exploding: Dragon Nest Edition

Sorry for the crappy quality... but as Shirley likes to say, we wouldn't be Welfare Gamers without it!

Inspiration for this edition of "Cute Things Exploding" brought to you by: Nyan Cat


Saturday, July 28, 2012

When Games Go Downhill

Brought to you by the letter "S" for Shi--Star Wars the Old Repubilc.
Remember watching this and thinking the game was going to be SO amazing? Yeah, me too.


Friday, July 27, 2012

Most Wanted KoS List: Rift PvP


Mickey Mouse Dwarf Warrior (me) VS. Stranger Danger Eth Mage (Owleater)

History: Rift, 2011. Owleater was one of our most beloved grievers. He'd stalwartly camp Gloamwood and attempt to pick off lowbie level 20s, but when things got heated he'd run and call for more level 50 reinforcements. Perhaps the most memorable thing about our dear Owleater was the way he'd stand there mid-fight and smack talk as you wailed on him. He couldn't fight and taunt at the same time, so he opted for the latter. He managed to press enter just as he dropped dead. Everytime.


Tactics: Used his own tactics against him in hopes he'd be befuddled, aka: be as cheap as possible and engage him while he's in the unawares of underwater combat at 94% HP, hoping if I didn't finish him off he'd end up drowning. 

Rules: In order to collect my reward for this bounty I was not allowed to use any interrupts apparently. Also, once in melee range I was not allowed to move from my spot. There was no time to trash talk mid-fight... a regret I must live with for the rest of my Rift PvP 'career'.

Doesn't matter. Still collected Big LOLs.



Just like ridin' a bike...

Yeah, I still got it.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Eulogy to Kyre, Glynnia's Dead Poochum

SO I WROTE A EULOGY OF GLYNNIA'S DECEASED POOCHUM. BECAUSE EVEN THO I NEVER GOT ALONG WITH IT, IT DID MAKE GLYNNIA HAPPY WHICH IS IMPORTANT TO ME. AHEM- ANYWAYS-I never knew poochum very well, most of the time I saw him was me staring at his disproportionate butt, as he waddled ahead of me stealing all my shinies. I never really saw in him what Glynnia saw, and even though he couldn't balance anything on said disproportionate butt, Glynnia still loved him, so I guess I can say a few nice words about him. He was a brave poochum,even though he was way whimpier than my atrium poochum. He fought in battle along side me, aka yelping and yipping as I took hit after hit from monsters and he watched acting like he was actually a part of the fight. I'll never know why you were so special, especially considering that Glynnia let you touch her shinies(she would never let me do that). But for what its worth im glad Glynnia found you for a little while, its always nice when she is smiling. Even if its at my demise. Farewell dear poochum, may you eternally but scoot in poochum heaven

Time Heals All

xoxo ~glynnia

Love at First Sight

This is a tale of love at first sight... and unavoidable, inconsolable woe. So grab your tissue and possibly a snack cause this might take a while.

One beautiful bright sunny day in Cadderock Pass I was hanging around the busy plaza reading my picture book and minding my own business when the sound of beautiful delicate bells chiming filled my headset... "Mail for me?! Now, who would be sending me anything?" I pondered excitedly as I quickly jumped up from my place of rest in the middle of the bridge and ran to the nearest mailbox. Upon peeking into that black abyss I soon discovered a small box had been left for me. It appeared most ordinary upon first sight, but as I removed it I noticed there were several small holes poked into the top and a wet spot on the bottom which momentarily distracted me from the faint growling sound emanating from within. As I caught a whiff of what was inside I knew it could only be one thing! With much haste I opened the box to find one of the world's most beautiful creations contained inside...

To get to the good part click below! (Satisfaction not guaranteed.)

GW2 BW3 Tournament finale games/BW event HUNGER GAMES

The first video is of vampd, hooch, and myself playing with 2 pugs in our 3rd round against a guild premade in one of our BWE tournaments

The second is of vampd, hooch, kawaiiiii(glynnia) and myself playing with 1 pug in our 3rd round against a guild premade in one of our BWE tournaments

And last but not least is the beta weekend event finale taking after the movie THE HUNGER GAMES! I didnt do so well, but Glynnia managed to make it until the timer ended congrats Glynnia!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Who's Rapping? Dovahkiin!

As most of you know, I waste a good portion of my day browsing YouTube... Well this was too good not to share and if you've played Skyrim you will appreciate this man's lyrical genius. And yes, I may have looped the Epic Rap like 200 times the other day...

Check Dan Bull out on YouTube for more ridiculously entertaining game raps!

You're welcome =)

xoxo ~glynnia

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Memory Lane: WoW and FlagRSP

2006: An infamous year for World of Warcraft. Even though WoW was still in its infancy (aka: Vanilla) and semi-respectable, leave it to some sadist to create the ultimate Mary-Sue-inducing add-on: FlagRSP. 

Oh, it started out innocently enough. FlagRSP would allow you to set a title, they said. It would allow you to use your first name and create a last name, they said. Write a description about your character's physical appearance, they said. You could even read cross faction profiles, they said.

No where did they mention the 4628962 Night Elves who downloaded FlagRSP would leave me and my poor little Undead scarred 'til this day. Six. Years. Later.  (It only got worse in 2007 with the launch of BC and those other running skeletons called Blood Elves.)



Friday, July 20, 2012

And so, a hero was born...

Once upon a time there lived a shiny hunter and her loyal pet bear...

CLICK THE LINK TO FINISH THE STORY!  (cause you clearly have nothing better to do)


xoxo ~glynnia

CHALLENGE*: Asura vs Sylvari

The last two GW2 races are available to play for the final BWE, so you know what that means: spending hours in the creation screen coming up with an extremely aesthetically pleasing character model. 

Since there's no "random" button, I had to meticulously go through numerous slider bars and color choices to come up with what I deem "The Standard" ...of perfection.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Saw it, and had to :)

Sooooo, seeing how I have nothing better to do with my time these days, since I have no means of a computer atm, I came across this Yahoo! story and thought, what the hey, I haven't posted anything on the blog in for-FREAKING-ever, soooo why not post a blog about gamers meeting in real life. Awww *stares at certain people* lol! Love you guys! Miss you more! (well except for maybe bheezle bum, hahahaha)
Halo Couple meets in real life

Sunday, July 1, 2012

GW2: 59 Days and Counting...

...Until I can be reunited with Sven the Bear, a master chef who baked my furry Charr delicious bear claw pastries and tore Bheezem's pet frog Kermit to shreds in a sugar-induced rampage.

<3 Shirley